Saturday, October 12, 2024


I had the opportunity to work with Archeologists at Antelope Island; Bear River Massacre; Central America and Martins Cove. I felt honored to be asked to go to Cairo, but had to go back to work. I have spent my retirement years in writing about my exportations around the world and almost got a thousand entries. As I went through some old family artifact's, I came across this notebook and I can't decipher what language it is. Wondered if some of the readers can figure out if it is Reformed Egypt Hieroglyphics; Pig Latin; Bengali; or what? Perhaps, this is the secret book found in the hidden wall in the stairwell of the old North Ward when they tore it down and left the pile of lumber and wood for me and my father to gather and reuse. Who knows other than perhaps the Shadow Knows. I get the shivers going through the sketches made that was made. Perhaps on Halloween night?

Saturday, September 21, 2024


We are not absolutely sure, but the Nephi Jones family believes "The Wasp" was typed by LaVon Harris  (Jones) but put together by "The Swarm", which were the Stingers and Assistant stingers and ink pushers of the class of 1928. In todays high school Nebonian and year books, people often made fun of fellow students or teachers, with no harm intended. Such is the case of the respected principal, George A. Sperry who they referred to as Jerge Jay Sperry and another respected agriculture teacher, Harry Beagley who was referred to as Hairy Beagley. Another case was respected coach T.O. Durham, and Raymond Phillips, who became one of Nephi's respected mailman, the father of Jack Phillips. It should also be noted that their was such a thing as boys and girls Glee Club; Boosters Club; Hot-N-Tot Club and in those days, as perhaps the 1964 Senior Ball was called the Senior Brawl. Have fun and check the name of what The Swarm is; and Sadie Howard became a Greenhalgh and Mable Wilson became a Nielsen, and James P. McCune not only wrote the high school school song, but became a respected 5th District Judge.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


About four years ago, I was helping the DUP (Daughters of Utah Pioneers) conduct tours for the public at the old Juab County Jail, which was also used as a holding place for those heading to the Territorial Prison where the Sugar House park is in Salt Lake City. In addition, I found fun in opening the log cabin at Nephi's Pioneer Park each Saturday or when their was a group of people nearby. I found delight in that, as it was Alice P. McCune, the DUP President in the 1930's, who directed my grandfather to cut the logs to build the cabin, which was completed in remembrance of the Mormon Pioneers that first came to Nephi. If you knew her, as I did picking weeds at her home, nobody could turn down Alice P.! Evan Harris had two sawmills above Nephi, so he and his boys and brothers brought them down, and people of the area gathered to build the log cabin in the 1930's and the DUP has kept it in prime condition. Growing up in Nephi and being a member of the Nephi City Council I had a great interest in the upkeep of it. I told the new Park Manager if he would be willing to use his machines and manpower to transport the Bell that was near the cabin and take it back to the new Nephi Town Park created by Nephi City, and build a holding facility to give information about it. For that good cause, I told him I would bring it up in City Council for a vote, and it was approved. I shook hands with Gerratt Bethers, the Park Manager and "A PROMSE WAS MADE, AND IT IS NOW KEPT". In addition to Gerratt, we acknowledge Nephi City workers including the expertise of Clark Wood and former DUP President, Peggy Johnson. All folks in the Intermountain area are invited to Nephi for the Monument Dedication. Come One Come All. And remember, the DUP is non-profit and they could use your donation...please!

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Although many followers of Jesus do not believe Christ gave continued life on earth to John the Beloved til the Savior returns, but many do. And many Mormons or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints believe that after the crucifixon of Christ on the Cross in the Middle East, he was resurrected and proceeded to come to the land that eventually became the America's. Christ visited the people that was here as recorded in the Book of Mormon. Although this writer is a sinner of the rules of the LDS, I am a firm believer in that the Book of Mormon is a written history like the New Testament of the Bible. After teaching and preaching to the people of the Americas and prior to his departure back to God, he felt very proud of his twelve disciples or Apostles here and three of those followers chose to remain on earth like John the Beloved and could Tare with no physical harm coming to them. As such, there have been many books and writings of sightings of the "Three Nephites" reporting the good and noble deeds they are doing until Jesus the Christ returns. If one could establish the facts, their just may be more people to offer their  "sightings" of Big Foot or "Sasquatch". Once again, this writer believes that John the Beloved and The Three Nephites or helping with good deeds on earth, but today we write of the sightings of "The Two Nephites"'. Elder Howarth is in the white shirt, and on a LDS Mission in Alaska. The taller guy is Gary B Jones of Nephi. They are distant cousins as their great-great grandfather is Edward Jones who was an arriving Mormon Pioneer to Nephi in 1852. Elder Horwath's grandparents are Mark and Patty Jones of Nephi. In Alaska, Gary is know as G.B. Jones, who was an Army Ranger during the Viet Nam Era; raced the thousand mile Sled dog race known as the Iditarod; returned LDS Missionary, and a well know author, with his most recent book entitled "Whisper's of the Trail', a copy of which he presented to Elder Howarth.

Friday, September 6, 2024


While doing a little written jargon with former Nephite Tracy Booth, we commented on some of the good people around about. We both conceded that one of the best families in Utah are the Wright Family of Milford and Beaver. To many of us, rodeo folks are about the only true sports hero's we have left, other than our Veterans. Tracy compared his father in law-Elwood Jenkins to Grandpa Bill Wright. He and his wife Evelyn are the parents of  13 kids, with the sons being in the Saddle Bronc competition while the daughters help Bill run their ranches. They have experienced injuries' as well as tragedy. But their faith in each other and their affirmation of their Mormon faith continues to bind them together. As I was once on the Nephi City Council, and experienced some discontent, as some of those I sat with seemed to  do away with the rural vision of Nephi, and raise prices of property and bring train loads of people and to build and build and build with no room to have gardens. One leader maintained that Nephi had plenty of water, but  it appeared he had no real knowledge of the State or Nephi, as we are and always have been dang dry. And talking to Juab County, the Assessor felt it was their duty to raise Property Taxes now to fit the slew of people that want to live here but compute to higher wages up north. I felt like our area was on a spiral downhill. It was not just the elected officials, but "selected" people by those who appeared to just want more money for themselves or to be hired by the people and business that were brought in as that have already been done by those who were booted out.. As I was often the only one that wanted to preserve our history, culture and friendly town, I felt the burden of the older folks were being taxed to death and we were encouraged to be less open about the raises to them. Tracy and others wanted me to run for Mayor and I wanted him to run for Bishop of an LDS Ward. If I ran for Mayor, there would be little chance I could persuade the voting Council Members who seemed bound and determined for growth and to get more money, but for themselves, not the people that move in and drive like a bat out of hell and permit the heavy loaded trucks to ruin the roads and cause accidents;, by hitting the railroad tracks at high speeds. But since I like to be of service to others, I will tell Tracy Booth that I will run for a Bishop for an LDS Ward, if he will run for Nephi Mayor and lead Nephi out of the apparent dismiss of our Ruralville. But I ran in to a road block by talking to a local Stake President. It may take a while, as I like to commit sins and it just may take a year or two to repent of my wicked ways. But dang it, I like to sin. And the second road block, I guess I have to get married. I tried that once and it lasted 16 years and shy about another go at it. But perhaps I can find a weekend wife, as I  watched  a TV series recently and well, I was love stricken, and having done several Hollywood movies, most of which were as Extra, I put in a call to my former Agent. He said something like "Fat Chance" but he used some foul language I can't repeat here. I am in love with Kelly Reilly, who  plays the role of Beth Dutton but dang she is already hitched. Now what ? I need a Bitchy but Sweet wife, but one that can bring hell and fire to members who are acting up, if I am to be the Bishop


Monday, September 2, 2024


During my hikes in the country of North Wales, which is in the British Isles, I spent a month doing research on my mothers forefathers, being the Harris Family. That was during 1967 but spent time there on two other occasions. Much of my search of family history lead to the Church of England (C of  E), which were in the various Parish's. The C of E broke off from the Catholic Religion during the reign of King Henry the Eighth when the Pope refused to grant him a divorce during the 1500's. Perhaps.......only perhaps, divorces are now easy to come by as Kings no long chop the heads of wives off. And maybe, just maybe, the other wives prayed to have King Henry the Eighth die from Syphilis or so the legend is. One thing for sure, VD is nothing to Clap about. Now back to Harris research. Other times, I spent much time walking through the cemeteries, as many of them are in the Parish grounds. If one goes to many parts of Germany and visits their pubs, it is permittable to pretend the urinals are against the wall outside which may be called a Kneip, Bar or Tavern. In other European countries, there is often only one open restroom and used openly by men and women. If one travels to the countries in the Pacific Rim such as Viet Nam, a man or woman wanting to use a regular toilet is normally out of luck. They do have an open door policy with a large hole in a corner where you brace yourself against the wall and do your business. Learn to bring your own paper and hand wipes. The first time a gal needs to go, a gentleman may stand to protect their privacy when other folks that walked in to the corners. Same thing applies to Central and South America, and many of us, both men and women bathed in nearby waters, as they do in Mexico. Once doing the restroom routine in Mexico, some loose an interest in eating Mexican food. In England, the TP is thin like pages from Look and Life, which we used on the farm in two holers. And it is okay to call them PC;s as that stands for Public Convenience. Or call them Johns or Crappers, as it was there where John Crapper invented the water above the toilet and you  pull the chain to let more water on the roof in. And no more visits to Paris for me. Sewage glows in to Sein River. NOW  ONE LAST WARNING. IF YOU TRAVEL TO THE BEATIFUL ISLANDS OF JERSEY, SARK OR GUERNSEY IN THE CHANNEL ISLANDS, ALWAYS ASK TO GO IN A REGULAR PRIVATE RESTROOM. IF YOU DON'T HAVE WATER IN THE BOWL DON'T PULL THE CHAIN. THE ISLANDS ARE FULL OF NAZI BUNKERS AND HAVE AWFUL PUNISHMENTS BY HANGING YOU ON A WALL THAT WAS A FORTRESS AGAINST BOTH NAPOLEON AND HITLER.   

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 In 1833, Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith is said to have received a Divine Revelation about the evils of consuming strong drinks; coffee; tea; chewing and smoking tobacco. There are some writings to say that the revelation came a day after the wife of Joseph Smith complained about cleaning up the School of Prophets, where Latter day leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ gathered to discuss the organization of the restored Church. I guess if it was me to have to clean up such a place, it would be no different than a cowboy bar of yesteryear cleaning up a Spittoon. Then another story reported that in his own writing, Joseph admitted consuming wine at a wedding and at various occasions for ten years after the Word of Wisdom decree. Then again, Porter Rockwell was a trusted bodyguard to both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, and Porter  had a continual hankering for Aunt Emma's Medicinal compound. In fact, after Brigham Young was leaving the Santa Clara home he had, his wagon driver was Porter Rockwell, who had been tipping the bottle quite heavy the night before, and Brother Brigham said something similar to "Porter, it doesn't look good for you to be drunk after me giving a speech to members about the Word of Wisdom." At the time, their was a Church owned Wine making place in St. George and ran the place as the wine was used for their religious meeting and the building is still there. In Nephi, Utah, their was another place where the Vine Bluff Cemetery now exists. When they started to bury people there, the name was modified to call it Vine Bluff Cemetery. Now adays LDS Saints are preached to take the Word of Wisdom seriously. Perhaps they did, especially in 1930, when a brilliant Scientist; Scholar and Author by the name of John Widtsoe came along and wrote a pamphlet, then a book inspiring LDS Leader's to insist on making the Word Of Wisdom a very truthful and divine word. It wasn't long before world leaders took heed to the sensibility to the pamphlet below. In addition, Widtsoe became President of the AC college(Utah State): the University of Utah, then an Apostle for the LDS church. SO BELEIVE IT OR NOT-YOUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON IT and perhaps, just perhaps, so does God.