Sunday, March 23, 2025


We started writing these history blogs about ten years ago, while I lived in the big bad city to our north. As a kid, I lived in Nephi, Utah and used to love getting on the Continental Trailways bus with my mother-LaVon Harris Jones, and take old Highway 91 to Salt Lake to visit her brother-Ren Harris, who lived at the Regis Hotel, which at the time, I would say was like a "Bates" Hotel. But Uncle Ren and others like him who were World War One Veterans and injured or homeless had no other place to 
salt city at that time the VA was not overly kind to our boys we sent "Over There". Going to the big city was fun and delightful for me and it was good for my mother who had five young kids to care for; excellent but gentle pusher to teach us all how to iron; clean house; great cook; informed us how to collect "kindly" to start the kitchen stove fire and the one in the front room. Our mother showed how four boys could squeeze together for our weekly Saturday night bath; shine our shoes after, so we could walk to church the next day, but always made sure we had our school work completed. Our folks taught us that it was essential to graduate from Juab High School, and we all took it so serious, that we would help each other, even though one brother still thought he did it all by himself! Our mother was a stay at home housewife (which term she loved) until we were all in school, then she went to work for Utah Poultry, then a secretary for Clyde C. Child, who was the Supt for Juab Schools. LaVon believed it was the most important work there was. She was a little like Ellen Anderson Garett, who was a scribe and typed LDS Patriarchal Blessing's. I firmly believed that a typist was important, and when I was being paid for my work, I had to select a secretary who could type faster than me and with accuracy. During my 42 years working in Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System, I was also a Constituent Affairs Officer for four different Utah Governor's, and I did so, although 3 of the four thought I was being "too honest" in the letters. Those three stopped their "political double talk" while my career was in Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System. When one of the Governor's confronted me on a letter he was to sign, I mentioned "Our Constitution", which made he and other Governors nervous! Perhaps that is why I did only 1 term as a Nephi City Council Member. I could smell too much corruption or the potential for it with conflict of interests. During my escapades' around the world, I have seen much and acknowledge how God has protected me from the hatred of mankind; shotgun blasts to the head and slow to open my parachute until I passed up Alta airport. Along the way I loved being a Scoutmaster and helping kids there and in youth sports, but ran into a big tree that fell on my head, giving me a subdural hematoma. Since that time and the older I get, the more I fall on my head, I remember telling Gene Fullmer I knew how he felt getting hit in the head by boxers on his way to be the Champion of the World. We became great friends. Anywho, my first brain surgery Doctor reminded me that the older I got, the worse my brain may work, and by Jimmy,  he was too right. And being right makes me think wrong. Prior to when I have any surgeries, I like to come home to a clean house, and three weeks ago I cleaned house prior to back surgery then a couple weeks ago, I went to the local body repair shop to fix my middle finger of my left hand, which is a handy finger to use when driving as slow as what Bish Belliston used to do from Nortonville to Nephi. Trying to do laundry with one hand is hard to do, and in the process, I fell on the harder than hell concrete in my garage and spent more time in the hospital, and we will have to see if another hip surgery can help me in the Hop Scotch festival during the Ute Stampede this summer. And my phone got dirty, so I put it in the washer and that didn't work well, nor did it heal when I put it in the dryer. Oh boy. I haven't written any blogs for a couple months, and yet somewhere around the world or here in my hometown, the computer says I am getting about 5,000 hits a month. And so we will just let people keep picking up their handheld digaphone or teleprompter, like we do with the Bible or a good book and let things remain as is. There are over a thousand chapters of history at the blog spot. With only one eye; damaged finger; shoulders; hips; knees and back, I ain't as good as I used to be, but like an old soldier, my written history will never die, but it just may fade away, as sooner or later, the sun will settle in the west, but we will rise again. I praise My Heavenly Father; great family and siblings.......and  a 84 year old cowboy that knows how how to cook,.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


First, we wish to write about the history of some Utah Banks of yesteryear and of today, and we have to probe a little as to who and why they were set up like they were. When Brigham Young led the Mormon Pioneers to Utah, it was to get away from the Murders committed by Non-Mormon Americans in the East and South of the United States. Yup, just common folks setting fires and killing and doing savage things to people of the LDS religion. When the Saints arrived and established blocks of streets in Salt Lake, Brother Young had previously sent a lot Scouts out to the United States to make friends with the Indians and Trappers and search for areas near water for farms and people to live. In fact they traveled to most of Nevada and parts of California and returned to report their findings. The land was taken by the Mexicans who arrived when the Indians had lived here for hundreds of years. But the Spanish Invaders only wanted the gold that was here and used the Ancient Ones(Indians) as their slaves. The United States Government in DC were greedy as well as the Romans and Italians however. More Europeans were coming to this continent in droves, then in 1850 U.S. President Millard Fillmore appointed Brigham Young as the Governor of the Utah Territory and even paid a salary to those men who joined US Troops to squelch any uprising by the Mexicans who by this time interbred with the Native culture here and most were forced. Hardly a shot was fired and the land was the United Territories' and States. However. when James Buchanan became U.S, President, "rumors" were floating around that Brother Young for out reached his authority, and so President sent Colonel Albert Johnson to Utah with 10,000 soldiers to put down the "Mormon Rebellion" which of course their was none. That incident could be related to Washington modern times, how a President sent millions/billions of dollars to other countries that are our enemies, then decided to return soldiers to America, but leave our weapons and tanks for the enemy. Now back to Colonel Johnson and the 10,000 U.S. Army invading soldiers to Utah in 1857. Little did they know that Brigham Young was informed they were coming, so he sent notes to all citizens of the Territory not to give anything to the soldiers, and the Mormon  Militia took turns shooting guns in the air and raising Hell for the troops. When the Army entered Salt Lake, they found no riot or consternations, but peaceful and God fearing and hard workers. Brother Young told the Army they were not permitted to be around God's people, but allowed 50 miles away and directed them to Stockton, Utah. There was where Colonel Patrick Conner led the 9th Calvary (known as the Buffalo Soldiers) and directed them to keep an eye on the Indians for stealing from Pony Express and Miners. When the American Civil War broke out, all the soldiers led by Colonel Johnson was directed back to Washington and the soldiers thought that was good as most of them had nothing to do except for K-P. Colonel Johnston bragged that no women or alcohol were used by his soldiers, but that theory was tossed to the dump, when some of us obtained permission from the land owners, then dug down and found empty liquor bottles and Red Stilettoes and other signs of men who were just ! When the 10,000 Soldiers left, D.C. told the men to get rid of the wagons and excess storage, so along came the Walker Brothers and bid for all of that and they got it all and made a lot of money. The only other bank around was Zions Bank(which was owned by the Mormon Church, but later diversified), so they started their own which became known as Walker Bank, then they sold out to another Bank of Utah. Other Utah Banks were First Security Bank, which. made millions of dollars for their owners-the Eccles Family, but they made a lot of contributions in their name, then sold out to Wells Fargo. Besides, First Security  may not have lasted long if they continued to print that women were "housewife's", and VISA purchased the BankAmercard. Now my concluding statement- is who has the money mystery fathers had in The Commercial Bank of Utah; First National Bank of Torrington, Wyoming or the First National Bank of Chugwater, Wyoming? Well, I called the Mayor of Chugwater and he said something like "Hell if I know, but know it was tore down bot a hundred years ago, but if you come up we can Chug water together". I joked around with him like I had been a forever friend. That is our history!                                                            

Monday, January 20, 2025


Tomorrow is your day Little Sis. You remind me of your Mother-LaVon Harris Jones. She too, was one of the best caregivers I have ever known. When Mom's older brother had a stroke, she was the one always taking care of him and her other big brothers, and now you repeatedly check and help your five kids; grandkids and those crazy old farts that are your older brothers, all of which have had a truck load of health issues, but I think you and your parents have been proud of them for three on an LDS Mission at the same time and three serving our country at the same time. You stayed by your husbands bedside after his tragic accident, then dealt with his and other family deaths. By the way, thanks for saving my life a couple times. Your brothers shyly admit you could ride a horse better than us and saved a life when you were a Lifeguard at the Nephi Pool. You could swim great, even with handcuffs behind your back, but we won't tell which cop did that to you. Cotton Rosser appreciated how well you kept his motel room tidy, and started your high work ethics ironing for a local as the wife didn't know that trade. I will make the writing short, as I am trying to figure out how to fit photos here, and since your the Birthday gal who helps this brain dead brother with Scans and Computers, I couldn't ask you. Here goes. If the reader doesn't know who is who, they can ask on your Fakepage or YouTube.

Friday, January 3, 2025


In earthly years, my oldest son would be 38 Years old in the early morning hours of Jan. 5, 1979. It is still difficult to have full concept of that, especially at my age when I will soon be with him. That is of course if St. Peter's Elevator goes up rather "topsy turby". That word doesn't even show up on my spell checker, and I have no idea where she went so fast.  (ole joke of Uncle Hy Tolley!) I miss my son and constant pal greatly, but aware of him, as I often feel his presence, He had enormous love for other people, regardless of who or what they were, as well all of God's animals on earth. He always came on the deer hunt in Nephi with the Jones gang; got a license, but was not particularly interested in shooting a Buck, and heavily grieved when I told him to shoot the big one that was snoozing on top of "Jones' Knoll". I thought it was just a temporary "Buck Fever", but later came to the full knowledge he was just not in to the "kill" tactic that 3 of his Uncles were forced to do in War time. Me and two brothers still go on the annual deer hunt, but never get a license and don't carry a gun. Perhaps, my brothers and sister and I have come full circle, as none of us shoot to kill animals anymore, even little brother Gary B., who was one of the best hunting and fishing guides in Alaska, before he became a racer in the Iditarod, where nobody cares for their mutts better than those Mushers'. Or, perhaps all 5 of the Nephi Jones' stopped hunting as all are in the twilight of our time on earth, much like Alma Jones was at age 83. I also gave up a career of toting guns for a living. Whatever the reason, this father still grieves the loss of a great son, whose career was helping to save the lives of those people needing a less radical and  invasive way requiring open heart surgery. He traveled to Ireland to assist the safety of the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR}. So after his parents divorced, and Justin himself when through two failed marriage's and about every type of counseling, which financially broke his mother and father, he obtained a high powered handgun and shot himself twice in the head. I knew that it was a done deal he had made with God the day before when he came to visit. The 150 year old Family Clock stopped at 9;30 P.M. and like the old MIA song; "Never To Go Again".

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


To the Nephi Jones Family, the greatest professional sports was boxing, when Gene Fullmer of Utah was the Middle weight champion of the world, and us young boys would gather around the few TV's in town to watch his opponents pounce him hard to the body, but he trained to have his body that way by having kids jump on his stomach. When Sugar Ray Robinson and others became tired punching this boxing tree, that is when Gene gave them the big blow and knocked them out. West Jordan was where they lived and farmed years ago, but forced to sell their mink and horse ranch by local politician's years ago, and West Jordan became filled with subdivisions and no places for farms and gardens- only mass people squashed together. Now a days, our Sport Hero's are those from the small town of Utah who are showing Texas and the World, that we have great champions living near us. We call them our local guys, as one-Hayes Weight is related to Karen Jones of Nephi, from Goshen, and at the World Finals in Las Vegas last month, he won more than $400,000. The Wright Boys of Milford and Beaver are still bucking good with Ryder Milford coming in as World Champion in Saddle Bronc, winning more than $479,947 and Statler Wright with $ 475,000 in Saddle Bronc. Bareback Champ was new to Vegas, from Altamont, Utah winning more than $412,000. Hayes Weight was second, then new to Finals was Cooper James from downtown Erda, Utah winning more than $301,000. Josh Frost from Randlett, Utah won more than $476,000. Former All Around Cowboy was Stetson Wright and is about physically ready to get back in the Saddle again. Former Bareback Champ visited Nephi three years ago and gave the Pledge of Allegiance in City Council, then spoke of he and his late father visiting troops in the Middle East. Most folks  can watch these hero's if they have the TV channels to the Cowboy Channel but this old man has only the free TV channels, so following it on the computer is tougher, but I can mute out the obnoxious announcer's and noisy crowd. At least they are not as bad as TV football which I gave up watching when they staged their Anti-America tactics. We go to Vegas each year and watch the Finals as well to the greatest rodeo in America which is the Ute Stampede. Long Live Cowboys. Pictured are Ryder Wright and Josh Frost. Old brain couldn't figure out how to do more, but more than any of so called Sport Sections of up North and..........a freebie.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024




It started as rumor that one of the old buildings in Nephi that used to serve gas customer's on old Nephi traveling through Highway 91 long before Freeways were built like downtown LA. The Old Premium Oil building is being restored as a garage to fix and repair your car or truck. Yup, even that old jalopy that has been setting in your barn for 30 year's. I decided to check the place out. I met the new Evan Blackett of yesteryears'. His name is Bryce Chappelle, and since he married one of the Sutherland gals from Mona, he is a Local guy. And I then informed he was automatically local as the name of Chappelle was of Pioneer names that built and preserved pioneer heritage. I then preceded to grill him about himself; why he is doing this and if he was honest. No, I didn't swear him in, but I gave him a Juab County handshake which confirms the deal, better that an attorney or Judge to be honest with all customers, even those that drive in with their pajamas on, like I did. He will be officially open in a couple weeks. No he doesn't have gas, but knows oil and engines, so he will be a great person to deal with. If he does work on your pedal pusher and their is a squeak in it, take it back to him. He wants customers to be happy with whatever work he does. He won't be like some of the bad guys along your trip, who want to put a new engine in your car when you only "needed summer air taken out of the tires", which was an old trick they used to pull on customers. When it opens, give them a chance. I think they will be honest and good. And no, this is not Bryce Garner, who was an early cook at the Snak Shack, cooking the fresh eggs from the chicken Coop behind the Premium, and yes, he has his a Nephi Business License and cleared through the State to use the name of Premium and has a Clean Record, according to Ray Jackson!. Case Closed.


Friday, December 27, 2024



Top Row from left to right is: Gloria Jean Gustin; Joan Barton; Shelia Sperry; Betty Jo Greenhalgh.
Second Row Standing: Carol Ostler; Linda Lou Corbin; Barbara Houghton; Dennis Paxman; Clayton Anderson; Earl Bolton; ??; Connie Kendall; Linda Draper;  Marilyn Christensen; Mrs. Gadd.
Third Row-Sitting; Deann Anderson; Claudia Smith; Marilyn Worwood; Shirley Howard; Ann Hall; Kent Jones; Randy Sperry; Kent Worthington; Betty Ann Worwood; Kay Wilkey.
Front Row; Don Johnson; Kent Jarrett; Robert Harmon; Norman Jarrett; Bradley Brough; Creig Tidwell; Gean Sperry; Bruce Beal; Roger Stowell.

I apologize for any mix up or improper spelling of names. But it stands to reason. As far as I know, I still hold the record for the Juab School District as the only High School graduate who was kicked out of Kindergarten. That was when we attended it in the Industrial Arts Building, just north of the Central School. That is where lunches were prepared before the new school was built on 4th East. I helped my father tear down the pioneer built homes on Track Street, where the mother of Mrs. Harry Carter lived; Jim Bean and the Gee family. But that is what was ordered, but I look back on it and shed a tear how folks were forced out of their home's. Mrs. Gadd was a great teacher and looking back, I believe that this class and the other one or two classes were made up of some of the best kids anywhere. Some were KIA during Viet Nam; many still served their country and Church. As I gazed at the photo, I do recall in those days in the1950's, we treated each other as family,  and we as kids volunteered to put our arms around our class mates and helped them along, through high school. Citizens have to pay for those teachers now, but we all did it as an honor to serve our fellow friends. The times we had during those days are lost and gone forever, and we can just be grateful we lived when we did and the family and friends we will always be. And no, Bradley  Brough was not the Mean guy he looks like in the photo. He was one of the most friendly of all. And a better teacher can't be found. Mrs. Gadd was a God send to pranksters like me and Earl Bolton! And I started with those pranks in Kindergarten, as I didn't want to lay down and take a nap, so while the teacher turned her head, I got our pet frog out of the holding tank and put it next to the face of a class mate. Mr. Bailey was the principle, who kicked me out and called my mother. She and I had to walk across town to apologize to the teacher and to the student.