Friday, April 12, 2019

Tax Audits often require a heavy dose of medicinal mixtures.

We knew it was goin happen some day and apparently so did our grandfather during the Great Depression. He left a blank from "The Commercial Bank" of Nephi and I will send it to IRS, once we know what they demand of us. I have now learned the hard way-it is better NOT to keep financial records for too long! I have been the family record keeper since the Jones family arrived in Nephi, America during the 1850's. As such-it makes me who the Feds want to prove that our family legally obtained our ranch lands directly from the Territory of Utah, as I have all the journals; church donations; expenses to run the farm; and how my father purchased trucks and equipment for the farm and part time job plasterer, plus medical woes. We will also present evidence how the five Jones kids and their parents had a total family income in 1960 of $4,076.66. Poor brother Wes received only $8.00 for helping Juab County spray weeds all summer and he still sneezes just watching his wife do yard work! My personal issue is I only got paid three bucks for mixing plaster, while cousin Gordon Jones got a whopping $5.00. Also concerning is we may have overpaid our LDS tithing by $2.50 in 1955! Well, the fun thing is folks from round about can see the different people & stores of Juab County, and a portion of our Territorial Deeds along with Nortonville water shares from 125 years ago. Also, the IRS wants proof we are still on the look out for that lost Crossbred Durham-Guernsey cow of 1944.