Saturday, October 12, 2019

If your Nephi family has been here since the 1850's, you just may be related.

If you didn't get the wedding invitation in 1897, I am willing to share the original photo of the one sent out for the June 6, 1897 marriage of Martha "Maud" Jones and George Bertran Kendall. The first photo is the marriage photo while the second one shows: Sam Jones; Will Jones; Ed Jones; Joe Jones then bottom row of Louisa Jones Broadhead; Maud Jones Kendall; Ellen Jones Jackson and Elizabeth Jones Cazier.  The last photo was taken in the early 1930's which show Ellen & Nephi Samuel Jackson; Jane Tolley Jones & Edward Jones; then Sarah Tolley Jones and Will Jones. Yes-two brothers married two sisters. The last document shows the who is who stuff.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

"Big Boy" rolls in to Nephi this morning-the worlds biggest Steam Locomotive.

We are expecting a lot of students and visitors today, so you may want to bring an easy chair and make your self comfortable. You will not only see the worlds largest Steam Locomotive, but pulling several sleeper and dinning cars of decades ago, which you may never see again. Sometimes bad news is good news, and good news is great news. The other night I had a chance to check out the inside of the 1950's cars being pulled by "Big Boy" and tried to be a bar tender on the trains drinking car and failed miserably, but able to sleep it off in one of their sleeper cars, so at 10:30 this morning, Nephi will be ready to greet those who stop by to see the last of the Big Boys. We won't be able to go inside any of the boxcars on today's occasion but it will be a thrill just to see the vintage box cars roll back in town. Welcome the train with a wave of an American flag as trains did bind America from the East to the West 150 years ago at Promontory Point. In the old days Trains coming through Juab County had to stop in York(by Doc Steele's ranch); Mona, Nephi and the town of Juab(Moss Ranch) for water. Come celebrate our history today. It's at no cost and no regrets offer!