Sunday, April 12, 2020

Some folks think the Media is deceptive, but perhaps we all may do some fugding at times!

The Nephi Jones Family are interwoven with the Tolley Family and as such, it is difficult to tell when they are telling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Hannah! However, Uncle Hy Tolley thought there were times to put a twist on the facts, so here goes. The first photo was taken by Weston Jones, and although we could distort the truth and say it was during a time when Mt. Nebo erupted from an ancient volcano, but that ain't the truth. Fact is that a semi blew a tire on the northbound 1-15 Freeway near Nephi, and caused a massive forest fire going up and around Nebo. The second photo was taken by this writer. It was in a Utah forest area and close to a dirt road, so it was unusual that a VW would be seen in that secluded area, but it was seen by a Forest Ranger in the mid 1970's. For the youngins that may read this, Ted Bundy was a very charismatic good looking guy, but it is the opinion of this crime follower, he was a Sadistic Sociopath who took pleasure in causing pain and pure evil when he murdered a least 30 victims, some of which he took to a secluded place. The Forest Ranger told law enforcement he saw a similar VW in the area in question. Law Enforcement decided not to follow that lead, but I did and discovered two possible graves that had caved in somewhat. It has still not been investigated. You will next see photos of two Pioneer graves that caved in. I didn't want to contaminate what first appeared to be criminal grave diggers, but formed by own conclusion- that a heavy snow that year had broke through the wooden caskets in the spring. There were no other footprints around nor animal tracks. I could see what appeared to be a white dress exposed. I went to a nearby police agency and gave the location and my speculation. My assumption was correct and the dozens of graves were quickly filled in by the County Road crew. I have blocked out the names to protect the heirs and will keep quiet on the cemetery location. This personal investigation appears to be factual. The other photos appear to be giant Ants invading us, but that is a distortion. They are a part of the hand made fun things that was at Red Butte gardens of years ago, and still a beautiful place to visit. I haven't watched a TV news broadcast in 45 years. Perhaps that is why I like to explore and discover my own set of facts, but always remember I have both Tolley and Jones blood running deep in my veins, so one never really knows the truth, including me!


  1. My dad Gary Bowles chased Ted Bundy in St. George when he walked into my grandmas house after following my aunt home.

    1. Sounds like Gary saved her life, as that was one of his M.O's
