Sunday, September 20, 2015

Today, I pay my respect for two guys from Juab County, Utah-both from the Class of 65, who have now passed but lived a life of honor and nobility while on this eartly sphere.

The Juab High  Class of 1965 has been having there 50th reunion. In yesterdays luncheon, several of the "young" students talked of how the class was very close, just like a family, even though there were hard times. In mentally going back in time, I couldn't help remember one of our class mates we lost a couple years ago. Michael Keyte of Mona was one of the true great guys of all time, and proved that throughout his life. If I recall correctly, we lost Larry Craig Higginson not too long after graduation. He was killed in Viet Nam. That seemed to have profound affect on all of us kids, and especially Mike, as Mike was in the Army, and a cousin of Higginson. Mike had the honor to be the escort in returning our classmate to Mona for burial. I therefore, give honor to Larry Craig Higginson for making the ultimate sacrifice, but for this Keyte. Mike was friendly to all classmates, and he embraced that same love with his family. He was very proud that his three sons all became Eagle Scouts. He was a hard worker, having worked for Geneva Steel for 34 years. Today, I pay my respect to all those who served our country. It wasn't something they particularly enjoyed doing, but they accepted their duty to their God and Country, as did the Juab High Class of 65. We still have Class.

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