Saturday, October 31, 2015

They maintain that written contracts are an essentail part of any government action, personal or business deal including the simple game of football.

I recently read where the University of Utah and BYU football teams have finally came to terms and signed a contract for a future game. Apparently, it took a year to work out all of the details, and the contractual agreement had to go up the chain of command at both schools. It is not just a game anymore, but they say that is what the world has come to, even signing a contract as to who gets what in a pre-nuptial agreement. The photo shows all of the details of the contractual agreement between Kent Jones and George Jackson of Nortonville. The first hand shake was made a few decades ago when George agreed to lease the Jones Family Farm in Nortonville, Utah which has been in operation since just after the Norton brothers settled there in the 1880's. The terms were quite simple and the handshake was as binding for both parties and more legal and ethical than any supreme court could arbitrate. Last week the contract was reviewed once again and another handshake sealed the deal. I don't think a handshake may work outside Juab County, but to the Jones and Jackson family, it is a done deal and solid as rock.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Gosh, George Jackson looks like a clone of Russ...from the tilt of his head to the way he's standing...Russ, Russ, Russ.
