Thursday, March 10, 2016

Happy Birthday for Alma Coyn Jones

Alma Coyn Jones was born 113 years ago today. A stork landed in downtown Nortonville and Alma did a variety of work through his 81 years on this planet. In his early days he was a mule skinner and helped build the old road known as highway 91. You can still see a part of that cement portion near the road where you turn down to the lane to George Jackson of Nortonville. Cash Jones also worked as rancher; farmer; plaster and stucco expert; Thermoid worker; Nephi City-cutting down aspen trees with Ray Powell for telephone poles; janitor; painter and mill worker at Juab County Mill and Elevator; cattleman; potato farmer and Juab County employee. He knew how to work and his pleasures of life was being around horses. We have a few photos of this Juab County man and will also show a photo of five.....of his five kids! The first photo is of LaVon Harris who he married, then Alma's own family from left to right being Pearl Ockey; Grant Jones; William; Alma; Bert, Elizabeth; Vic, Erma Garrett; Dell and Norma Kay. Two kids named Eddie and Ray died when young.

1 comment:

  1. This is the way I remember you looking exactly.
    Dan Marshall
