Friday, October 28, 2016

What is the difference between a Hackamore and a Harness! I will bet Vernice and Chad Winn know.

If you read the local paper of The Times News of Nephi, Utah, you will have read that Chad and Vernice Winn are returning from their 18 month LDS mission to Nauvoo, Illinois. All are invited to attend their friendly sermon on Oct. 30, 2016. You don't even have to be a Mormon, Democrat or Republican to go listen. It should be interesting as I heard that Chad enjoyed putting a harness on a team of horses and taking folks for a ride about. Since Chad comes from good stock of Juab County, Utah, we thought we would give a little history of his parents and their family which was written by LaVon Jones in 1979.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Not sure how they measured it, but apparently a team of Ox could travel at 3 miles per hour.

This is the family photo of the Will and Liz Tolley Jones family of Nephi, Utah. It was taken on April 9, 1935. They had lost two young boys early in their marriage. The remaining kids were actually fun and happy people, but back then, folks were camera shy as they weren't sure it was a camera or a gun! Starting on the back left would be Pearl Jones Ockey, then Grant, Alma, Bert, Vic and Dell Jones; then Norma Jones Kay. On the front is Pa and Ma Jones and daughter Erma Jones Garrett. Then we have the typed funeral speeches, prayers and so forth.

First taken in shorthand, then typed.....the 1947 funeral remarks of Juab County, Utah pioneer-Wm. Jones

The attached photo was taken on April 9, 1935, showing the living members of the William and Elizabeth Jones family of Nephi, Utah. Back row from left are Pearl Ockey; Grant, Alma, Bert, Vic and Dell Jones, then Norma Kay. In the front are Wm and his wife Liz Jones, then Erma Garrett.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sometimes the Beauty is very close to the Beast. One just has to recognize them.

In the first photo, we have the beasts of the streets of Nephi, Utah which are re-defining the curbs, sidewalk and roads to beautify the downtown area. First comes the beasts, then the Beauty, but in today's scenario we have a photo of each, and they are 67 paces away from each other. The photo of the work machines of re-construction was taken from the Oct. 5, 2016 edition of The Times News newspaper. The second photo was taken by myself during a short stroll from the construction site, in the serene beauty of Salt Creek as it majestically runs through town to quench the thirst of man and beast. Perhaps in life, we need to keep an eye forward to the ever present beauty around us-it just takes some time sometimes!

What is the population of Leamington, Utah! Well it depends on when you visit there.

Give or take a dozen or so, the population of Leamington, Utah is 300 people, but during Leaminardo Day, it swells to about 3,000. At least one day a year, it is the time to return home and visit. Even if you are not from there, such as I, it is a good place for people to chat as if you were. Such was the case for me when I decided to visit on Labor Day. I took the slow way, turning off 1-15, going through downtown Holden, then Oak City and on to Leamington. As a youth, I recall watching my sister ride her horse during the barrel racing of their excellent rodeo, and filling up on all the food one could ask for. While driving around Oak City, I marveled how Americana this part of Millard County remains. They still have dirt roads; irrigation ditches and people who wave at you even though they weren't really sure who you are. I had to drive around the blocks a few times and found three constant things which may define who we are or should be. I saw American Flags that were respectfully flown; young people on horses, and several lawn signs promoting Ed Phillips who is running for Millard County Commissioner. Since I have known Ed for about four decades, I couldn't help but write a blog entry. Ed is one of those guys who is devoted to all Millard County citizens and although I don't know his opponent, or even what Ed stands for, whatever it is, it would be for the common good of all and my guess is there is no mug slinging with whoever he runs against.