Sunday, October 16, 2016

What is the population of Leamington, Utah! Well it depends on when you visit there.

Give or take a dozen or so, the population of Leamington, Utah is 300 people, but during Leaminardo Day, it swells to about 3,000. At least one day a year, it is the time to return home and visit. Even if you are not from there, such as I, it is a good place for people to chat as if you were. Such was the case for me when I decided to visit on Labor Day. I took the slow way, turning off 1-15, going through downtown Holden, then Oak City and on to Leamington. As a youth, I recall watching my sister ride her horse during the barrel racing of their excellent rodeo, and filling up on all the food one could ask for. While driving around Oak City, I marveled how Americana this part of Millard County remains. They still have dirt roads; irrigation ditches and people who wave at you even though they weren't really sure who you are. I had to drive around the blocks a few times and found three constant things which may define who we are or should be. I saw American Flags that were respectfully flown; young people on horses, and several lawn signs promoting Ed Phillips who is running for Millard County Commissioner. Since I have known Ed for about four decades, I couldn't help but write a blog entry. Ed is one of those guys who is devoted to all Millard County citizens and although I don't know his opponent, or even what Ed stands for, whatever it is, it would be for the common good of all and my guess is there is no mug slinging with whoever he runs against.

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