Sunday, May 7, 2017

Welcome to Juab High School, home of the Pro Vita drill team.

In 1928 when it was known as Nephi High, the pep club was called the Glee Club, but for the past several decades it is known as Juab High School and the drill team is called Pro Vita, which means "For Life" in case you missed it in Latin Class. Their job is help "spirited every student into his peppiest mood the day of games". In 1964, the Pro Vita performed in the J.F.K. Memorial March in Idaho, and some club members almost did a "fainting split" for an appearance on television's Hi Shoppe in Salt Lake, when they panicked over Bobby Vinton. We have the photo's of the Pro Vita from the Juab High Class of 1964 and 1971, courtesy of the Nebonian. The Pro Vita couldn't survive without sponsors, so we included them, and fun to see that some are still around after decades of support, including Painter Motors, Greenwood(White Brothers); Garrett Honda; Thermoid(NRP Jones); Vard's (Reeds); Nephi Auto and The Times News. I had to thank Livingston Photo who helped me figure out how to put these photos on the blog. The CVMC has asked us NOT to see how many of the 1964 Pro Vita team can still do the splits!

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