Monday, September 24, 2018

Ross Garrett- a man born of goodly parents, who became a great parent for generations to come.

Fifty years ago, the Nephi name of Ross Garrett was well known, as in his day, he was a man who walked and talked with Prophets, being the LDS Juab Stake President for 18 years. As a kid, we would run up the street to play with Blake when we heard that President David O. McKay was in town staying with Ross. And it was Ross Garrett who showed Boyd K. Packer how to hunt deer. Until his passing at age 99, Ross was the oldest veteran living in Juab County, but turned down the offer to be recognized. The truth is for such a public figure, Ross was a very private man, and he gave me instructions not to write about him until he was gone, so today is your day Ross! Although his wife-Aleen passed away fifty years ago, one could feel her presence around Ross and their kids who also believed in serving others. And Aleen was an excellent Sunday School Teacher for us young heathens. Ross was great running the Utah Poultry in Nephi, as at age 12, he sold me a lawnmower so I could make money cutting lawns, competing with another cousin-Sherm Jones. My payments were $5.00 a month and we shook hands on the deal. Ross, your heavenly presence here on earth will forever be felt by your family and friends, and your lonely horse. On the morrow, you need not get up at your usual five A.M. It is time to sleep in. And it seems fitting your funeral was held in the church you built! Well done Ross!

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