Monday, August 26, 2019

What comes around goes around in Nephi, Utah

Pictured below are eight of the ten children born to Edward Jones(born in 1831) of North Wales. After hearing of the LDS Church, he married Hannah Pendlebury, whose parents hated the church. As per agreement, Edward came to Zion and directed by Brigham Young to settle in Nephi, Utah in 1852, which was called Salt Creek. He became a Farmer and Blacksmith, then as agreed, sent letters for his wife to come to Nephi, but he never heard a word. He sought the advice of local church leaders, who told him to take another wife, and he wed Martha Jackson, who arrived in Nephi in 1856 as part of the Martin Handcart Company. The first wife finally told her parents she was heading to America, and they confessed they had been lying to her, that Edward had been writing to her, and hid the letters she was sending to him. The first wife arrived in Nephi, and lo and behold, Ed had "accidently" married 2 women. The three took a wagon ride to visit Brigham Young, who didn't sweat it, and on March 11, 1858, he sealed Edward Jones to Martha Jackson in the LDS President's office. They all lived happily ever after and both wives had several kids each. Pictured below are the kids that lived to adulthood with Edward and Martha Jackson Jones. Their home was on 300 North and about 600 West, and the trunk of the long standing tree is nearby. What is interesting, is the new home nearby was built by Wade Garrett, who just happens to be the great, great, great, grandson of Edward Jones. The original photo is from about 1885, and it took over a half century for me to get all the right names, thus faded. Brothers Will and Ed married sisters-Jane and Lizzie Tolley, but don't fret it, no test on who is who will be given. We will all remember them, once we get to the other side, and you won't be so dim witted as this writer has become!

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