Saturday, January 18, 2020

Which is better: Tales, Dreams, Fantasy or perhaps Legends!

Not sure if they will print this, as I have had trouble with Google all day. They wouldn't accept my password, but let me in to several others. They said they are updating their security system, but sounds like they hired a hacker. Now for the real story. Those of you that have heard of Nephi/Juab High know that we call the yearbook "Nebonian" although in 1916 they came up with "Jayhawker" as that was an important machine to stack hay in the barn using two horses. Today's story is why we now call our yearbook the "Nebonian" and we will give the printed legend from the 1960 yearbook, and once Megan Garrett gets back to her job at Livingston, we will then print some of the teachers and students of long ago and galaxy ever so close.

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