I am not a computer guru, so I put the written story of Don Yates first, and didn't have enough space for the photos, so here they be. By the way, I think I left off the complete story about who Don thinks will be the first that would greet him when he crossed through the veil. I thought it would be his wife or his cherished brother Dean, but after some thought, he spoke of Ross Garrett, who was the LDS Stake President at the time Don was selected as the Elders Quorum President of the Nephi Third Ward, even though he lived in Mona. Ross was instrumental in helping Don become a loving and kind leader of men, but in a quite manner.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
Don Yates of Mona, Utah was forced to become a man at age 16! Part One.
If you don't know 91 year old Don Yates of Mona, you need to visit him, as his stories will penetrate your heart. He is of that generation where work ethics were supreme. On his 16th birthday, his father died, and he was forced to man up and take care of the 22 acre farm with his mother. His two older brothers went to war against Nazi Germany. My interview with Don was delightful; thought provoking and bought me as close to tears, even though I have interviewed or interrogated thousands of people including a Nazi soldier. Don dropped out of Juab High School in the 10th grade and ran the farm until he found more pay working the mines of Eureka at age 17. He stated as a Mucker at 1400 feet below then started to feel the bad air, so became a miner, but that too was unhealthy so he quit. He quit but soon found work at Ironton as a train Conductor; Train Engineer at Toole Army Depot, but always like to be at his Mona home with his farm which he built up to 180 acres; beloved wife and daughters-Donnette, Brenda, Melanie, Angela, RaDawna and sons Kerry, Donavan and Gerard. His favorite foods are all America Meat and Potatoes. His favorite political figure was Douglas MacArthur and favorite President was Franklin Roosevelt, and he had good reasons for both. On the third time Don returned to the story about his older brother who was killed as a Tail Gunner of the ten man crew of a B-17, I decided to listen intently. On the day he was shot down, that plane was no longer a "Flying Fortress"! On his 18th mission, his crew went deep in to Germany to hit a ball bearing plant and without fight support. All the B-17's were shot down and all men were killed. His body was in tack and the War Department screwed up a little because of the debris, different telegraphs were sent to the family that Dean was "seriously injured" then another telegram saying he was "MIA", then the final one after two months was he was killed and buried in France. The Army Air Corps offered to send the body back to Mona, but after discussing it with his mother, who had just buried Dons father, they decided to leave Dean buried "overthere". I then asked if he was a spiritual person, and he said and his facial expression showed he was and went on to explain. He earnestly prayed if it was the right decision to leave his brothers remains stay in France or reburied in Mona. Don was given one of those absolute impressions that his brother whispered "I am Home" and Don was then at peace. Don Yates is one of the best men, husbands, father and friend anybody could ask for. When we spoke of who he thought would be the first to welcome him "Home" his response was slow, but methodical and the first I had heard one of its kind. It would be Ross Garrett, who was the LDS Juab Stake President at the time. Don is one of a kind. Get to know this man, a true nugget of gold.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Some of us think Utah was settled in 1847, but people lived here 12,000 years ago.
My love of history started in the 4th grade when teacher Earl Bowles spoke of his World War Two services. I was smitten with history. I went home and asked my parents if I could save the pioneer papers, journals and clothes that were brought to Nephi from both sides of my family in the 1850's. A few years later, my mother wanted the garage cleaned out, so I took historical things and hid them in World War Two sealed ammunition containers and they remained safe for 50 years and now opening them. History involves a lot of things, and I have been doing historical searches around the world. I became familiar with the people at the Natural History Museum of Utah who invited me to do a "dig" where the Anasazi Indians lived and then disappeared. I later called them "The Ancient Ones" as that was a description for those people. For two weeks, we dug and found evidence they lived there two thousand years ago. When the Antiquities Act changed, our findings had to be locked away for a future generation to examine. I then became familiar with Kevin Jones, who was the Utah Archaeologist at the time and he asked if I would assist at a dig on Antelope Island, as I was already there as a weekend volunteer. We could tell they were Fremont Indians and the bones and material unearthed were where the Indians came over on canoes to hunt. The last photo is my square at a dig at Martins Cove, where a lot of the Handcart pioneers perished. I later met a man named James Jenson, who was nick named "Dinosaur Jim" who became world famous for finding different Dinosaurs and putting them together. After he passed away, his family deeded a lot of his works to me and I then donated most of them to the University of Utah and to the Jim Jenson museum at BYU. I hope this brief introduction to discover the past, and to find the difference between Pictographs and Petroglyphs as they are all through Utah at McConkie Ranch; Parowan Gap; Fremont State Park, and yes right here in Juab County. I have discovered two places near Nephi, and a new one was shown to me a couple weeks ago and is circled in the blue. Even if you are not quarantined- read, study and discover the fun history right around us, but be careful not to touch or disturb. Oil from our hands will ruin them faster than mother nature. There are books written as to what each symbol may mean. We know if you see one with a horse, it had to be made after 1540, as that is when the Spanish Conquistadors invaded the American Continent to rob and ruin the culture and history of the people that were here. Let us protect their history and culture, as it may help us survive our future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
God made only one Gary B. Jones, then disposed of the blue print.
It would take several books to write the life and times of Gary B. Jones, originally from Nephi, Utah, but now hides in the vastness of Alaska. He has always been a social guy and hunting and fishing guide, and although not a recluse, he finds inner peace being with his mutts out on the Tundra. With a passion for history, I have been the keeper of family and historical records going back to the 1850's when both sides of my family arrived in Nephi. As I had possession of LDS documents, including items that belonged to Brigham Young, I finally turned those in to Church authorities. It may be a hundred year project, but will continue to sort artifacts and documents that I had hidden a half century ago. A new but old item belongs to my taller and smarter brother, so I called him and got his reluctant permission to publish a speech he gave in 1968, just before leaving on an LDS mission. His teenage message sounds like a modern day Prophet. Many people in the Juab County will remember he was the smart one in the family and won awards in high school and colleges for his character acting in plays. He was taught by goodly parents and as such, served as a Ranger Paratrooper during the Viet Nam Era, and knew how to hide from the enemy, because as a kid, he would often sleep in the barn, hiding under the hay, so it was easy to drop him in an unknown location and survive and thrive on obtaining enemy information. He has hitch hiked to every state in the Union; lived and visited more countries that you can pronounce and a friend to Eskimos who he cherished. Today's history topic will be a repeat of his LDS Missionary farewell in 1968. Even as a kid he had accurate feelings of truth and continues to be a Christian Soldier. At age 19, he could write words, then eloquently deliver a speech. In Alaska, the only real sports is the Iditarod and G.B. Jones is a well respected Musher.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Nortonville, Utah, a stop spot for Brigham Young
Nortonville was and partly remains a township four miles north of Nephi, Utah. It was first settled by three Norton brothers, thus the name. At the time, the entire area was green with subterranean water just below the surface so it was a very fertile and rich soil to do dry farming. Farming has always been hard work and the Norton brothers soon split, selling most of the valley to the Tolley and Jones family. One of the first homes was built by Wm. and Lizzie Tolley Jones. It had two bedrooms; living room and a kitchen. The Outhouse was outside until the land was sold to Bish Belliston who had a fancy dancy "Privy" inside. It the photo from left to right is Elmer Tolley, Suzie Downs, Alma Jones, Bert Jones(on the horse), Jack Downs, Rodger Downs, Liz Jones, Wm. Jones and Elma Bryan. Wm. Jones donated part of his ground so a church/school could be built, and he was the Branch President. One of the teachers was Bessie Jones, who was the mother of Ron, Harold, and Nadine Jones Blackett. Brigham Young stopped by there on his way to St. George and signed various documents. Although all church records should have been turned over to the LDS church, they weren't, but kept in the family until five years ago, when they were recovered from the place I had hid them fifty years ago. They were all turned over to the LDS church, and needless to say, it took a Nephi double step to explain why I had the various signatures, papers and manuscripts that belonged to Brother Brigham. Another photo is the missionary picture of Will Jones, who was called to preach with no money, and after losing two young sons and leaving his wife pregnant. Brigham Young told him to seek out his relatives in England and he did so and we showed a page from his journal. The Tolley family took care of the farm while Will was in the land where his father came to Nephi in 1852. Another photo is of the nine kids brought up in that two bedroom cabin home, and the boys were glad to see summer come as they were able to sleep in the grainery, which still stands. As more people moved in, farmers began to dig deep wells, which explains why the North Pasture Lane is no longer the good farming area as it once was. Blame it on Growth and Greed.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Some folks think the Media is deceptive, but perhaps we all may do some fugding at times!
The Nephi Jones Family are interwoven with the Tolley Family and as such, it is difficult to tell when they are telling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Hannah! However, Uncle Hy Tolley thought there were times to put a twist on the facts, so here goes. The first photo was taken by Weston Jones, and although we could distort the truth and say it was during a time when Mt. Nebo erupted from an ancient volcano, but that ain't the truth. Fact is that a semi blew a tire on the northbound 1-15 Freeway near Nephi, and caused a massive forest fire going up and around Nebo. The second photo was taken by this writer. It was in a Utah forest area and close to a dirt road, so it was unusual that a VW would be seen in that secluded area, but it was seen by a Forest Ranger in the mid 1970's. For the youngins that may read this, Ted Bundy was a very charismatic good looking guy, but it is the opinion of this crime follower, he was a Sadistic Sociopath who took pleasure in causing pain and pure evil when he murdered a least 30 victims, some of which he took to a secluded place. The Forest Ranger told law enforcement he saw a similar VW in the area in question. Law Enforcement decided not to follow that lead, but I did and discovered two possible graves that had caved in somewhat. It has still not been investigated. You will next see photos of two Pioneer graves that caved in. I didn't want to contaminate what first appeared to be criminal grave diggers, but formed by own conclusion- that a heavy snow that year had broke through the wooden caskets in the spring. There were no other footprints around nor animal tracks. I could see what appeared to be a white dress exposed. I went to a nearby police agency and gave the location and my speculation. My assumption was correct and the dozens of graves were quickly filled in by the County Road crew. I have blocked out the names to protect the heirs and will keep quiet on the cemetery location. This personal investigation appears to be factual. The other photos appear to be giant Ants invading us, but that is a distortion. They are a part of the hand made fun things that was at Red Butte gardens of years ago, and still a beautiful place to visit. I haven't watched a TV news broadcast in 45 years. Perhaps that is why I like to explore and discover my own set of facts, but always remember I have both Tolley and Jones blood running deep in my veins, so one never really knows the truth, including me!
Sunday, April 5, 2020
In hard times, what does one use for TP? Mormon Pioneers knew.
Our history class today is a little forbidden, especially during LDS General Conference, but the history has to be told to serve a need for the future. I once lived in China, where they built a type of "Outhouse" to use. Locals visited that "throne" built on a hill, and told others they were gong to go talk to "Tsi-Ku Niang" as she was a Chinese goddess who could tell your future. In early Mormonville, we just said "we are going to water the horses". I lived in Viet Nam, where you sat over a pool of rice water, and then that eventually became a rice paddy. In England, I learned about "John Crapper", who took credit for inventing the flushable "John", while others maintain he only invented the "ball cock" for it. I sat on one, then pulled the chain and rain water flushed it down, from a holding tank above the "Shack House". High class folks called it a "PC" or Public Convenience. In Australia they call it the "Dunny" according to my brother Gary. Because of the "herd mentality" used in todays world, we suggest some alternatives to "TP" as we used in our Outhouses as a kid. Our farming neighbor had a "two holer", with a variety of magazines available to use. If you take a drink of water then spray the pages, it softens the touch.....or so Buster McPherson told me. The "Lone Stranger" sitting in the Jones Privy decided he still wants Charmin and not the Sagebrush nearby, even though it would make him smell good! When the hole gets filled, you then just dig another hold and move it. This kids great-great-great grandparents used washable rags while traveling with the Martin Handcart Company.
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