Wednesday, April 22, 2020

God made only one Gary B. Jones, then disposed of the blue print.

It would take several books to write the life and times of Gary B. Jones, originally from Nephi, Utah, but now hides in the vastness of Alaska. He has always been a social guy and hunting and fishing guide, and although not a recluse, he finds inner peace being with his mutts out on the Tundra. With a passion for history, I have been the keeper of family and historical records going back to the 1850's when both sides of my family arrived in Nephi. As I had possession of LDS documents, including items that belonged to Brigham Young, I finally turned those in to Church authorities. It may be a hundred year project, but will continue to sort artifacts and documents that I had hidden a half century ago. A new but old item belongs to my taller and smarter brother, so I called him and got his reluctant permission to publish a speech he gave in 1968, just before leaving on an LDS mission. His teenage message sounds like a modern day Prophet. Many people in the Juab County will remember he was the smart one in the family and won awards in high school and colleges for his character acting in plays. He was taught by goodly parents and as such, served as a Ranger Paratrooper during the Viet Nam Era, and knew how to hide from the enemy, because as a kid, he would often sleep in the barn, hiding under the hay, so it was easy to drop him in an unknown location and survive and thrive on obtaining enemy information. He has hitch hiked to every state in the Union; lived and visited more countries that you can pronounce and a friend to Eskimos who he cherished. Today's history topic will be a repeat of his LDS Missionary farewell in 1968. Even as a kid he had accurate feelings of truth and continues to be a Christian Soldier. At age 19, he could write words, then eloquently deliver a speech. In Alaska, the only real sports is the Iditarod and G.B. Jones is a well respected Musher.


  1. Thanks for the wonderful write-up, Kent! Most people get these kind of good words spoken only at their funeral, so thanks my brother!

    Love, Gary B. #4

    1. That is why I only take flowers to the living, not to funerals. They can appreciate it more here than on the other side of the rainbow where colorful flowers or most glorious.

  2. Wow!!! This is a truly amazing talk...written by one so young & so long ago. Lots of "Smarts" lives in Gary B. Thanks for sharing.
    (...and all of you make your parents proud "Up There" watching)
