Monday, October 12, 2020

Nephi High School graduates-1928 style.

July 28, 2020 was the birthday anniversary of LaVon Harris. In earth years, she would have been 110 years old. Rather than write about her achievements in raising five hellions and important Secretarial jobs, we thought we would talk about some of her pals from her youth and the Nephi High graduates of 1928.We will show her classmates, and if you are from around these parts of Ruralville, Utah, you just may recognize some of the names. The High School changed its name to Juab High, and now called the County Complex on the corner of Second North and Main in Nephi. Although many wanted to tear that structure down 40 years ago, the builder told Alma Jones in 1922, that he built it to last a hundred years, so we think that builder kept his word, as it is still very functional. For students to produce a yearbook, it takes local business' to support that effort. In looking at the ones back in 1928, the only one that is still in business appears to be The Times News, and still operated by the Gibson family. Back then, business backbones were Nephi Merc; Nephi Drug; Nephi Cafe; Chas. Foote; Carter Cleaning; J.C. Penny; Silver Maple; Ord & Mangelson; Vicks Cafe and others.

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