Sunday, September 13, 2020

Turn off Un-American sports and watch a True America Sport.

It appears that many Americans are disgusted with the un-America type of sports on TV. Others believe that major media supports the actions of violent protests with nothing in mind other than to sensationalize their own agenda of selling more ads with bias or "breaking news". For those of you that are still addicted to watching mecca national sports, we have an idea. How about attending a rural football game, where all attendees take the sports competitively, but honor a personal code of supporting their school, playing fair and by the rules; treating the opponents with dignity, and then do like the Juab Wasps did the other night on the 19th anniversary of 911. They honored the American Flag, and those who sacrificed their lives for others. If you can't break your National Sports addiction, I have one last suggestion. Attend one last true American sport that still honors the Cowboy Creed; America, and preserve the rural West of the United States. It is the Finale of the Extreme Bulls in Nephi, Utah, six days from tonight. The Ute Stampede Committee is sponsoring the best raging bulls and 40 of Americas top Bull riders, and you can tell the world you been there and done that. Once that is over, then return to local high school and Little League to ween you off what used to be wholesome. Those kids are the true United States of America people that you may not ever seen in the National News or even in the Utah Sports page. Man Vs. Beast. Be a part of Ruralville America, before it is gone in to oblivion.

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