Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I grew up in the best town; best family and best time in world history.

It wasn't long ago, but some of the over 70 Nephi Jones kids were talking to each other....not with the hand held gizmos, but eye to eye in a secluded restaurant. We spoke of how we had the best school and the best parents; best home town of Nephi to grow up in, where each of us learned work ethics, and knew that if we were going to make it in life, we were on our own at about age 12, so we all went to work. One of us cleaning homes for those that had more money than us; cleaned motel rooms and some delivered papers and used socks for gloves and borrowed each other bikes. Weston learned how to deliver papers on his horse and on a sunny snowy day like today, and our Dad would pull us behind his truck on a tipped over hood, and nobody was ever hurt..nobody! In the summer we started selling garden seeds; bucking  hay and cutting lawns and bought everything we needed on our own. Our entertainment was playing in the yard; used two by fours and potatoes as baseballs; hiking to the glory holes and sailing home made rafts down the irrigation ditch then drinking it if we got thirsty. Our Dad taught us if we had to hitchhike, always walked the direction we were going so the driver knew we were at least trying to get to our destination. None of us thought our family as poor, but we probably were. In fact we were the most rich in town. Regardless of where we were, we always came home to amble food and family togetherness. All five kids went to college and learned a profession to make money rather than see the sweat covered shirts of our father who in his late years worked hard at a nearby rubber plant. Each of us had chores around the house and feeding animals. If we had a gut ache, we were instructed so did the animals and ran to feed them before us, and by the time we were back to the supper table, our gut ache was gone. We were taught service to others was very important, like our mother who started the fire in the cook stove and worked full time. The two most important things were to graduate from Juab High and Vote and we all did....once for Goofy, and by golly, he won! We learned how to be an American by listening to John Wayne on the 8 track, even in my brothers 1959 Chevy Impala. John Wayne was a true American, and not just on the screen, He and Weston had the chance to chat with each other, both on their way to the Orient; one to fight our enemy and the other to Stand Fast against the enemy, even those within our own country. One brother learned how to kill another human being or be killed and how to save a life; deliver life and a sister to live in a country of extreme poverty. Three went on LDS Missions; and three in the military. Real love for another can be falling in love and falling out of love properly by listening to Anne Murray on an 8 track and with no interruptions of car warranties on my 1963 Studebaker. My only regret in life is I didn't pick up that hot chick in tight shorts thumbing a ride while driving a Semi on a part type job. Dam it to Hell and back. I had the chance I prayed for. Good old fashioned Road Music. Oh well, maybe I will see her again in the Nursing Home and pick her up in my wheel chair that has an overload capacity. Yes, my 8 track is my answer even with the match book in it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


If you never met Ellen Anderson Garrett of Nephi, you missed quite the woman. She married Joe Garrett after he swung her around the outside dance hall in Moroni, of Sanpete County. Her childhood home remains and when she was around 100 years old, Jaynette Jones Grimard took her for a ride over the divide to view it. Todays history lesson is a short one, about her 80th birthday party an era ago. Her family put it together, as they weren't sure how long she would last. The invitation is below in case you didn't get one. As she came from a family of musicians, she only wanted a lot of music, so that is why some of the family was left out. Her kids didn't have enough time for music lessons as most of them working, bucking bales and learning Juab County work ethics, another thing of the past. Like Ellen's neighbors-the Jones kids, we couldn't even play a drum with a spoon and a bucket but by dang we tried hard enough to have the Sperry sisters tell us to knock it off on they would lock us down the cellar! After Joe passed away at about 80 is when they threw the party for Ellen. One of the older gentleman from West Payson delivered her flowers for her daughters flower shop, then asked her if she knew any single women her age and class that liked music. She stood right up and said she was available, so Ellen and Mr. Taylor of Taylor Ranches tied the knot, and after he died, she was bound and determined to return to the Garrett Ranch Headquarters in Nephi and become BAD! Yup, this is the gal that was a Sunday go to meetin sister; stenographer for the Stake Patriarch, and played the piano and organ for most funerals and church for ions. She was Bound And Determined to live to 100. She did, but when that day hit, she said that was enough, and her two kids-Bob Garrett and Marian Mikkelson gave her permission to be elevated, she did. I visited her just before she passed away and we talked of her transition. Although she and Joe were different, they were the same, and she acknowledged he would be the first one then to greet her......and she was released from the hackamore the earth held her back. Happy Day Ellen. Well done.

Friday, December 10, 2021


I know, I know, it is unusual, but neighbor and cousin Ross Garrett asked to help pass the word out. Ross Garett was taught good LDS principles by the Apostles of this generation and they taught him well. While bucking hay with him as a kid, he often said we can't work on Sundays, only if  "the animals are stuck in the mire". This is the case today with the recent snow we had. So he called his friend-David O. McKay, and Dave said "go get the cattle out of the mire to their feed and I will send other brethren down to speak at Stake Conference" In the meantime, McKay will send down a young buff by the name of Tommy Monson and Hugh Brown to help get the cattle to the manger. The other speakers are listed below along with the history of Harold B. Lee, a relative of John D. Lee. If you folks never heard Mark Peterson, he speaks like the head honcho himself, with stern words. I know, as I sat with him and another big shot about missionaries. Holy Moley, what power and authority he shows...almost like Charles Heston in person. Yup, more powerful that Moses himself!

Thursday, December 9, 2021


If you are among the Jones Family that arrived in these parts 179 years ago, many of us have a middle name after one of the early pioneers that arrived here including myself and a 2nd cousin of mine. Don was the son of Ted Jones; who was the son of Bert Jones; who was the son of Wm. Jones, who was the son of Edward Jones who was sent to Nephi by Brother Brigham to be a Blacksmith just outside Fort Salt Creek. Don knew work ethics and right out of high school, he went to work for Pexton Wholesale as did a lot of locals. Harlow Pexton recognized his good work ethics and soon sent him packing to deliver all of the food products from Nephi to Kanab and other areas south. I got to know my cousin in 1965 when I was attending Snow College. We were all a little jealous when he hitched his marrying rope around Sue Arnoldson of Moroni. No matter, there were plenty of cuties in Sanpete. We only disliked the guys we had to play football and basketball against, and had some "skirmish's" outside each other gyms. His wife had a good job making food for all the fire fighters throughout the west and helped lead this Jones Family on a Alma Jones Trek to find the gold left by the Spanish Conquistadors, but that is another chapter. Don Jones departed this earth in a very panful way, with a cancer. It is nearly been 21 years ago, but he still is on our mind but at least he is without pain. On his greeting, we will find him with that inviting smile he always had.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


All year long, cowboys and gals compete about every weekend, only to go to Las Vegas to qualify for the National Rodeo Finals. They are the best of the best, and this year of 2021, the truly America sport shows off it's best for ten straight days with various bucking bulls; horses and gals riding around barrel's at top speeds. Whoever wins the most at the end of Oct. qualifies them and the animal to Vegas, the home of the National Rodeo Finals since they departed OKC. In the 1950's and 60's it was the boxing Fullmer brothers that made West Jordan, Utah famous, and now it is the Wright Boys out of Beaver County that country folks are putting on the pedestal of sports. For ten rounds and ten days, they begin with a prayer, then the National Anthem, and the thousands who are able to get tickets are as somber and respectful as any sport in America. The Nephi Jones boys have made it their only vacation for decades, and it is our getaway. If you are able to dress the part and sneak around the ever present security, one may sneak behind the chutes at the UNLV arena. You may talk to some guy named RIP, who I only come to know as "Cole" and with his cute blonde daughter, who said he was in some type of western series of which I have never seen. And you just may bump into Kristi Noem who said she was the Governor of a state in the Dakota Territory. I found her to be a 50 year old beauty, who was very articulate and I could see her as President of these United States and knows how to handle a horse and likes to pick fights with rappers. Utah should stand and give a standing ovation to all of the rural stars of Utah, who want to keep horses alive and well. Vegas remains Vegas, with billionaire hotels and less advertised is one of the top cities in America for homeless and violent crimes. This Jones boy had to go mix with them anyway and get their stories. We found a good one in Andre and his "twin" brother. Lets call me "Rusty". We gave him some dough, but he was more intrigued with his Spam and Kipper snacks before Hal Jones said lets get the  "Holy Hell" out of here. LONG LIVE COWBOYS. Stetson Jones even was given a$500 Chip. Lucky stiff. Bareback Champ was a Nephi Council National Anthem leader who loves the Ute Stampede. Kaycee Feild, your old man is proud of you in Heavens Arena.