Friday, December 10, 2021


I know, I know, it is unusual, but neighbor and cousin Ross Garrett asked to help pass the word out. Ross Garett was taught good LDS principles by the Apostles of this generation and they taught him well. While bucking hay with him as a kid, he often said we can't work on Sundays, only if  "the animals are stuck in the mire". This is the case today with the recent snow we had. So he called his friend-David O. McKay, and Dave said "go get the cattle out of the mire to their feed and I will send other brethren down to speak at Stake Conference" In the meantime, McKay will send down a young buff by the name of Tommy Monson and Hugh Brown to help get the cattle to the manger. The other speakers are listed below along with the history of Harold B. Lee, a relative of John D. Lee. If you folks never heard Mark Peterson, he speaks like the head honcho himself, with stern words. I know, as I sat with him and another big shot about missionaries. Holy Moley, what power and authority he shows...almost like Charles Heston in person. Yup, more powerful that Moses himself!

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