Saturday, February 11, 2023


In most cases, life on earth begins with a birth, and ends with a funeral. In this situation, however, we have did in backwards. The last Post entry was on the funeral proceedings of my grandmother-Elizabeth Tolley Jones. We now write of her life and times on earth. Attached, the reader should find a copy of things I put together to present to the Wm Fisher Tolley Reunion in 1979, which was held at Dad's and Son Campground, up Nephi Canyon- a place where locals, both present and past, celebrate and take care of, at least in the past when the U.S. Forest were of service to the public. Not so much anymore, so what we have been told. In that which was typed and presented had typos, so for the thousands of descendants' of Wm. Fisher Tolley and to those related to his 4 wives, please excuse. At that reunion, present was the last surviving granddaughter of Wm. Fisher. To her and others, the fourth wife was not normally spoke of, but she is listed on the LDS Temple ordinance and in accordance with Brigham Young. My writings are based on the journals and papers in my possession or that which I have donated to the LDS church, as some of the daily journals were a part of the same journals that her husband kept tithing receipts on. We will include a photo of the Nortonville Ranch area; one of  the two bedroom cabin that Liz raised her children in that was under the grove of trees in one photo; and her reading glasses that I started out with and preserved. Liz is sitting on the chair behind standing husband. To me, she was the terrific wind that Will flew on. I have preserved her glasses that can  be seen on a previous entry as I couldn't figure how to add a photo.....8 track mentality!

Thursday, February 9, 2023


Liz Tolley was born on March 27, 1865, the daughter of Wm. Fisher and Sarah Warren Tolley of Nephi, Utah, and was considered the first wife of Wm. On another occasion, we will give a life sketch of her but today will just be the funeral services for her which were in 1941. She was before my time,  but I saw this woman as a noble daughter of God, and a very independent but valor servant to her family, people and all. She had already lost two of her sons when young, and pregnant when she supported her husband-Wm. Jones, who went to the British Isles on an LDS Mission without a penny, and left the Nortonville farm up to his strong wife. First photo is of Wm. and Liz on 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Juab High School Baseball Team of 1954

We came across this photo as per credit of the Times News and the JHS student paper. See if you know some of these guys. That Kelson kid was a  hitter, and a big league scout came down to the Fairgrounds(when the minor league played in the northeast corner) to watch him. Although, perhaps bias, this writer was coached by both of these Coaches, and to me, they were the best men and coaches around, and both grew up in Nephi. By the way, why do they "Sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame When They Are Already There"?

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Birthday of Stetson Jones is Feb. 5, 2023.

Just in case you need a reminder, Stetson is the first child of Vicky and Shane Jones of South Mona, Utah. When the crowd gave a roaring round of applause, we at the 2018 graduation, one could tell it was not only the special ed. teachers that helped him through the years, but the entire student body who treated him with admiration and respect. He is the guy photoed sixth down along side his cousin-Tanner Jones and Stetson's sister-Vanessa Jones. And his proud parents graduated, as did Vicky, but she didn't  do as well in barber school, or was in the New Years Eve victim listening to Gentleman Jim Reeves on his 8 track? Oh, by the way, when Stetson was born, my notes say I was informed of it at 6;19 a.m, but birth moment was something like 3:30 and a half second in the morning. He weighted 7 lb. 3 ounces and twenty one inches long.