Saturday, July 27, 2024


Yup, it is your the earthly anniversary of the day Evan and Eliza Hitesman had been waiting for. After having a herd of good strong boys that helped Ev cut down pine trees in a behind Nebo Canyon that was below the Ridge which the Forest Service named Evans Ridge after your Dad, they finally had an angel daughter, who was taken back to her Heavenly Home, and then you came along to complete their home. We don't count Gods time, but in earthly years, you would have been 114 years old and each of your kids can never forget that Nov 11th, 1994, when you were briefly let alone, so you could join your folks and others who were called home before you. And as you know Mom, each of us have carried on our promise to you that we would carry on our love for each other as we did for each other during our boxing gloves days when Alma made us put on to duke out our differences, and by the time Dad had tied the gloves on, we forgot what we were quarreling about and went back to following our daily chores you would post on the water heater each new week. And Dad was right, as we were never received an allowance for our chores, and good thing we didn't or none of your kids would have learned the old fashioned tradition of working for what we were given. Nor would three of your four boys could ever afford going on our missions and somehow you both made it work. You also taught us to only do three things which were to graduate from Juab High School; Vote and learn work ethics. We each did that, and tried to do the same with our own kids .And, on behalf of all the funeral talks you gave, thanks, and just remember...:If you and Dad walk down that path before your kids, we will be closely walk behind you, and with your words and Beyond The Sunset being heard by each of us. As always, we all continue to love and respect you. First row at far right-LaVon Harris. Nephi High.

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