Friday, December 27, 2024



Top Row from left to right is: Gloria Jean Gustin; Joan Barton; Shelia Sperry; Betty Jo Greenhalgh.
Second Row Standing: Carol Ostler; Linda Lou Corbin; Barbara Houghton; Dennis Paxman; Clayton Anderson; Earl Bolton; ??; Connie Kendall; Linda Draper;  Marilyn Christensen; Mrs. Gadd.
Third Row-Sitting; Deann Anderson; Claudia Smith; Marilyn Worwood; Shirley Howard; Ann Hall; Kent Jones; Randy Sperry; Kent Worthington; Betty Ann Worwood; Kay Wilkey.
Front Row; Don Johnson; Kent Jarrett; Robert Harmon; Norman Jarrett; Bradley Brough; Creig Tidwell; Gean Sperry; Bruce Beal; Roger Stowell.

I apologize for any mix up or improper spelling of names. But it stands to reason. As far as I know, I still hold the record for the Juab School District as the only High School graduate who was kicked out of Kindergarten. That was when we attended it in the Industrial Arts Building, just north of the Central School. That is where lunches were prepared before the new school was built on 4th East. I helped my father tear down the pioneer built homes on Track Street, where the mother of Mrs. Harry Carter lived; Jim Bean and the Gee family. But that is what was ordered, but I look back on it and shed a tear how folks were forced out of their home's. Mrs. Gadd was a great teacher and looking back, I believe that this class and the other one or two classes were made up of some of the best kids anywhere. Some were KIA during Viet Nam; many still served their country and Church. As I gazed at the photo, I do recall in those days in the1950's, we treated each other as family,  and we as kids volunteered to put our arms around our class mates and helped them along, through high school. Citizens have to pay for those teachers now, but we all did it as an honor to serve our fellow friends. The times we had during those days are lost and gone forever, and we can just be grateful we lived when we did and the family and friends we will always be. And no, Bradley  Brough was not the Mean guy he looks like in the photo. He was one of the most friendly of all. And a better teacher can't be found. Mrs. Gadd was a God send to pranksters like me and Earl Bolton! And I started with those pranks in Kindergarten, as I didn't want to lay down and take a nap, so while the teacher turned her head, I got our pet frog out of the holding tank and put it next to the face of a class mate. Mr. Bailey was the principle, who kicked me out and called my mother. She and I had to walk across town to apologize to the teacher and to the student.

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