To the Nephi Jones Family, the greatest professional sports was boxing, when Gene Fullmer of Utah was the Middle weight champion of the world, and us young boys would gather around the few TV's in town to watch his opponents pounce him hard to the body, but he trained to have his body that way by having kids jump on his stomach. When Sugar Ray Robinson and others became tired punching this boxing tree, that is when Gene gave them the big blow and knocked them out. West Jordan was where they lived and farmed years ago, but forced to sell their mink and horse ranch by local politician's years ago, and West Jordan became filled with subdivisions and no places for farms and gardens- only mass people squashed together. Now a days, our Sport Hero's are those from the small town of Utah who are showing Texas and the World, that we have great champions living near us. We call them our local guys, as one-Hayes Weight is related to Karen Jones of Nephi, from Goshen, and at the World Finals in Las Vegas last month, he won more than $400,000. The Wright Boys of Milford and Beaver are still bucking good with Ryder Milford coming in as World Champion in Saddle Bronc, winning more than $479,947 and Statler Wright with $ 475,000 in Saddle Bronc. Bareback Champ was new to Vegas, from Altamont, Utah winning more than $412,000. Hayes Weight was second, then new to Finals was Cooper James from downtown Erda, Utah winning more than $301,000. Josh Frost from Randlett, Utah won more than $476,000. Former All Around Cowboy was Stetson Wright and is about physically ready to get back in the Saddle again. Former Bareback Champ visited Nephi three years ago and gave the Pledge of Allegiance in City Council, then spoke of he and his late father visiting troops in the Middle East. Most folks can watch these hero's if they have the TV channels to the Cowboy Channel but this old man has only the free TV channels, so following it on the computer is tougher, but I can mute out the obnoxious announcer's and noisy crowd. At least they are not as bad as TV football which I gave up watching when they staged their Anti-America tactics. We go to Vegas each year and watch the Finals as well to the greatest rodeo in America which is the Ute Stampede. Long Live Cowboys. Pictured are Ryder Wright and Josh Frost. Old brain couldn't figure out how to do more, but more than any of so called Sport Sections of up North and..........a freebie.
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