Saturday, June 13, 2020

How to remove a two barb fish hook from your thumb.

It seems like I took Fishing.101 either in college or with the Boy Scouts, but maybe it was taught by an old John Wayne movie, back in the days when men were men! When or where ever it was, I am still alive to write about it, and thought I would, before I see that bright light again! Today I took McCord Jones to nearby Burraston Ponds, as it was his first chance to be in the movies, or at least one that is being made for the Juab County Travel Council to show tourists the good stuff to see in Juab County. After the shooting, McCord needed to go help his grandpa celebrate his birthday. I didn't want to go to an old man's birthday party, as I was still the young and physically fit 16 year old stud I was more than a half century ago, so I strayed up Nephi Canyon with my pole and worms, I sought out that hidden fishing hole I made as a kid when my dad would drop me off at "Dad and Sons" on a Saturday and I would fish all the way home, as I loved fishing and my mother liked to cook and eat them. Needless to say after 50 plus years, Salt Creek changed its course, and my old brain got confused and this old body was slow moving through the run off waters. I slipped in the creek, striking my bad shoulder on a boulder, becoming dazed. Oh good I thought-it was my time to pass through the veil. My eyes opened when I saw a bright light and I shouted out "Oh God Help Me"! I then come to and realized it was only the sun coming in to view. It was then, I felt a voice which said "God Only Helps Those Who Help Themselves".  Dam, it wasn't my time and I got cold laying in the water. I got up and recognized that my shoulder hurt like hell, but I would do as my brother did, who survived the front lines of Viet Nam and a few years ago, slipped in American Fork Canyon and tumbled down rocks during a giant spring run-off, and still survived. I thought it was odd he wanted to say he was proud he kept his pole while tumbling over the boulders. But, I did the same thing as Hal Jones did-I checked to see if I still had my pole. I did and got up and decided I should head for home. But wait, I better reel in the line. In doing so, I found the end of the two barbed hook planted deep in my thumb. It wouldn't budge, so decided to go home and make a decision. I sought advise from friends who knew medical stuff. I went across the street to a local cattleman, I helped during calving problems. I decided to pull the hook out myself and like a good neighbor-Travis Garrett said it was my decision, but recommended I brace the thumb against the tractor. As I pulled the hook, he suggested I twist it so the hook barbs could exit. I was going to scream in pain, but he directed my surgery just like John Wayne would do with an arrow in his partner, and it worked. I was going to soak it antiseptic stuff to clean the open wound, but like Viet Nam Medics, you did the best you could with what you had. That is the end of today's story, and if I am alive when the sun rises, I can give thanks I have been granted more time to appreciate the world I live in and the family and friends who give me advice, saving me dollars going to ER, although I greatly respect those folks here in Salt Creek, Utah Territory.

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