Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Life, Death and Rebirth. It is your own perspective on each.

Each of us have our own perspective of life on earth. To many- it is full of beauty and a winding road of bright flowers coming through the burnt forest; and to others, life is thick with thorns. All will eventually be forced to fight the demons within and we can make the choice to quickly pass through those thorns and not dwell on our misfortunes or go down in doom, permitting the thorns to have power over us. Today, we will present a photographic tour of Nephi and Juab County, and the reader may see the fun of life as I do and eventually watch the caterpillar become a butterfly. Make your Topaz key chain after the blast; skydive; ride a horse with your Amigo; rebuild a home exactly the way it was more than a century ago; live in a beautiful log cabin; embrace Big Boy; accept the grave remains of Joy; ride the wild side; taste the nectar as if a Bumble Bee; enjoy fishing but accept their hazards; enjoy Gods glory before the transformation, then watch the double rainbow which is my knowledge of our rebirth. Live it all today, but be kind to all. Life is not a do-over, not for this writer,  who is in the twilight of my years.

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