Wednesday, June 17, 2015

We know who two of the people are-Will and his brother Ed Jones, but unsure of the others, but thought to be a part of the Nephi, Utah Tolley family from the 1880's.

This is another one old photo that was buried in a family historical box from several years ago.

As noted by the writing below the photos, the one on the front row, far left is William Jones, and his brother is Edward, II, who is on the far right. Those brothers married two sisters of the Nephi Tolley family of Wm. Fisher and Sarah Warren Tolley. The reverse shows the writer may be unfamiliar with the Tolley family, only because they didn't spell Tolley correctly,  or perhaps that person was not a writer or speller, as a handwritten note doesn't go through s spellchecker well.  It is difficult to read, but the reverse has pencil markings at the top, showing the photo may have belonged to Erma Jones Garrett, the daughter of Wm. Jones and wife of Robert Garrett of Nephi. It reads
" Mrs. R.P. Garrett  Nephi, Utah
PO Box 374
R. Bk. house on N.W. Corner Str.
8 13th No. 1 Blk E. PO"

This photo will eventually be donated to either the Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Nephi or to the LDS church.

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