Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What happened in Juab County during the year 1947! I have the top news, courtesy of The Times News, but have my own history box and that is scary.

The front page of the Times News of Jan. 9, 1947 tells everything you want to know about the going's on in Juab County. The great news is the Proclamation submitted by H.C. Crane, the Mayor of Nephi. The welcomed broadcast is we finally have infantile paralysis under control, which was the greatest scourge since 1916!  Additional news is of the Nephi Kiwanis new officers. In reading of those people, you have to recognize a name or two, and we didn't even mention Fred Gadd, Ray Powell, Eugene Ostler, C.R. Lomax, James H. Ockey and Ray Worthington. Now for the very scary news, and it gets me more nervous every day. During 1947, many WWII boys had just came home, and as such, many of them got hitched, and hence forth and forever, babies were brought in by a herd of Storks. Normally, that would be a flock, but because of a stork genetic malfunction, it  became a herd! The babies of 1947 brought those kids to graduate from Juab High School in 1965, and back then, it was the biggest class JHS had ever seen. I am not listing the exact number but it was dang close to a hundred. We don't like listing the exact number as we still counted one of our beloved classmates who died shortly before graduation, and counted her as a graduate. Also, we still have one still working on his final Algebra exam, but we considered him one of us. Are you ready for the real bad news!  Although we have lost some of our family classmates to Viet Nam, Cancer and wheelchair malfunctions, the remaining Class Of 65 are planning a reunion in Sept. The more news I get the more nervous I become, and believe that all residents of Juab County should be put on notice. They are planning a hay wagon event; football game, and a parade. I have voted to not proceed with the bikini contest. If you feel that we really didn't get rid of infantile paralysis in 1947, please send your objections to the Health Dept. or to the Class Officers pictured, including Craig Coulson, President; Mike Morgan, Vice President; Ann Hall, Historian and Marilyn Christensen, Secretary. Some of the other classmates are still out among us, including, but not limited to: Dean Bailey, Bruce Beal, Verna Butler, Ann Carter, Doug Court, Tom Fowkes, Clyde Gowers, Lynn Greenhalgh, Gloria Jean Gustin, Ron Harper, Ann Hall, Betty Jo Greenhalgh, Cliff and Carl Howard, Sue Ingram, Judy Jackson, Annette Johnson, Nancy Mangelson, Don Johnson, Tom Johnson, Beverly Myers, Jerry Mangelson, Carol Ostler, Robert Painter, Jerry Stephenson, Bob Shepherd, Claudia Smith, Bert Paxman, Dennis Truscott, Cheryl Williams, Kent Worthington, Morris Wright, Carol McPherson, Terry Stephensen, then there was old what's his name.

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