Sunday, August 16, 2015

War is hell, but sometimes we have to make the best of a bad situation, and if you get a small window for rest and relazation, then take it and use it to the hilt.

We are not sure who to give the credit to, but we assume it is The Times-News of Nephi, Utah. During the Viet Nam War, the military protocol was to send a short communication to the soldiers hometown newspaper, to inform the local's of Boot Camp graduation or  re-assignment of the soldier or Airman without breaching security. We recently discovered  these two photos and the short broadcast of the R&R of Sergeant Weston A. Jones of Nephi, Utah before his journey to the war in the Orient. The paper article shows it as Oct. 10, 1968. As the two individuals in the middle may not yet be de-classified, we have omitted showing them. According to Wes, he believes the Airman on the left is Lawrence Jones, of  Salt Lake City, Utah as both had previously been stationed at Pope Air Force Base. The curvy and slicked back hair is local stud Weston Jones in civilian clothes, and in the group photo, Wes is on the right.

The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the FFA has selected new officers. We hope to get them sworn in as soon as we can locate them.

We are not sure what these guys are staring at, but it is not the photographer. The photo is a little late in coming-by about 52 years, but we felt like we ought to finally get them sworn in. The new but old officers are from left to right John Morgan-Treasurer; Clark Kay-Vice President; Ed Newton-Sentinel; Tom Fowkes-Secretary and those sitting from left to right are Kent Jones-President and Lane Harward, the Treasurer. If you know the whereabouts of any of these guys, could you inform them the swearing ceremony will be at high noon on Sept. 19, 2015, in the girls gym at Juab High School, in Nephi, Utah. Four of the listed guys are from Mona, Utah; one from Levan, and we were never really sure where that other guy was from. The first topic of debate for the parliamentary procedure team is concerning the proposal of moving Mt. Nebo from the east side of the mountains to the west range, which would give more irrigation water to Dog Valley.

Monday, August 3, 2015

One photo is of the Nortonville home where the Wm. and Elizabeth Tolley Jones lived along with their kids including Norma Jones Kay Jensen.

When the family photo was taken at the Nortonville Jones home, Norma had not yet been born, as she came along in 1909. The youngest in that photo is Bert Jones, who is sitting on the horse. At age twenty Norma wandered over to nearby Mona and teamed up with good looking Cleon Kay and after getting hitched, they had kids named Kent, Randy, Beth, Marie, Donna, Diana and then came Becky. After looking at the photo of Norma and her eyes and smile, perhaps you can see how Kent Kay came up with the same DNA. One photo was when he was in the Army the other when he was resting after working long years with the Ironworkers. He passed away in 2012, at age 82. Norma passed away in 1997, at age 87, and her mother-Elizabeth(bottom photo), passed away in 1941, at age 76. They all had that same smile, yet showed the penetrating eyes. Long live their legacy.

This is from the daily journal of LDS Missionary Wm. Jones, who was called to serve on a mission to the British Isles, and did so without purse or script.

When Nortonville farmer Wm. Jones was called on a LDS mission, he was married and running a farm, but his pregnant wife along with Juab County neighbors and family were counted on to do the ranch work in support of Wm. The following is a couple pages from his journal. I will attempt to write what he has written, and then copied the pages. When Wm Jones met with Church authorizes in Salt Lake, he was directed to contact his relatives in the Wales and England, not only to get food and shelter, but to get referrals for conversion. The photo is of Wm. Jones while on his mission. Bro Mc is a McPherson who went on a mission and from Nephi, Utah.

Nov. 22, 1894
Bro Mc and Gerrard and I went through the arcade and Museum then to John's Cousin then we went to Sister Holden's. We called in the Skinners Institute. We had a talk with 2 men there when we got to Sister Holden. They was much surprised to see me. We spent a pleasant evening there singing and talking in the gospel and old times till late.

23 Bay St. Blackburn  November 23, 1894
We spent the fournoon reading while Ruth Cocking was making pies then we went to the ??? The play was ??? very good. John Holden was with us then to 23 Bay St.

November 24th
Bro. Mc and Gerrard and I went through the market which was very good.  Bro Mc bought a scarf one shilling then we went to Bro. Mc Cousins Sister Ruth Cocking went with us had a good time. Piano music and singing then we went home Sister Holden had something to eat then went to bed.

Nov. 25th, 1894
We got ready for Sunday School. Sister Nellie and the children called and we went to Sister Ainsworth where Sunday School was held. We had a good time there then I went with Sister Holden and John and Annie to get their photo taken there with her relatives. We had a talk with the lady on religion and I have her 2 tracts then we went to Sister Holden's for dinner then to 48 Menley St. to hold meeting after the sacrament was administered.

If you are from Utah or acquainted with Mormonism, you may have heard of their Temples and their purpose. This shows the people from Nephi were active in those sacred cermonies during 1934.

Members of the LDS church volunteer to assist in religious ceremonies in their Temples. They don't consider the activity secret, but they are sacred. I have listed some of the work done in the Manti LDS Temple during 1934, only to show the people of Juab County that traveled to conduct this sacred activity. To protect the identity of the people whose Temple work is being done for, I have folded that information under, as LDS Church authorities may not approve of that. I submit it for historical purposes only. Indications are that Elizabeth Tolley Jones(DOB: 1865) took serious her responbility to do Genealogical work as instructed by Brigham Young, second President of the LDS Church. She  sent a letter to her niece in Canada to obtain names and information about relatives to do Temple work for and the return envelope has been copied as one of the pages which shows relatives. We included a photo of William Fisher Tolley(DOB:1823) and his daughter-Elizabeth Tolley Jones.