Monday, August 3, 2015

This is from the daily journal of LDS Missionary Wm. Jones, who was called to serve on a mission to the British Isles, and did so without purse or script.

When Nortonville farmer Wm. Jones was called on a LDS mission, he was married and running a farm, but his pregnant wife along with Juab County neighbors and family were counted on to do the ranch work in support of Wm. The following is a couple pages from his journal. I will attempt to write what he has written, and then copied the pages. When Wm Jones met with Church authorizes in Salt Lake, he was directed to contact his relatives in the Wales and England, not only to get food and shelter, but to get referrals for conversion. The photo is of Wm. Jones while on his mission. Bro Mc is a McPherson who went on a mission and from Nephi, Utah.

Nov. 22, 1894
Bro Mc and Gerrard and I went through the arcade and Museum then to John's Cousin then we went to Sister Holden's. We called in the Skinners Institute. We had a talk with 2 men there when we got to Sister Holden. They was much surprised to see me. We spent a pleasant evening there singing and talking in the gospel and old times till late.

23 Bay St. Blackburn  November 23, 1894
We spent the fournoon reading while Ruth Cocking was making pies then we went to the ??? The play was ??? very good. John Holden was with us then to 23 Bay St.

November 24th
Bro. Mc and Gerrard and I went through the market which was very good.  Bro Mc bought a scarf one shilling then we went to Bro. Mc Cousins Sister Ruth Cocking went with us had a good time. Piano music and singing then we went home Sister Holden had something to eat then went to bed.

Nov. 25th, 1894
We got ready for Sunday School. Sister Nellie and the children called and we went to Sister Ainsworth where Sunday School was held. We had a good time there then I went with Sister Holden and John and Annie to get their photo taken there with her relatives. We had a talk with the lady on religion and I have her 2 tracts then we went to Sister Holden's for dinner then to 48 Menley St. to hold meeting after the sacrament was administered.

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