Monday, August 3, 2015

If you are from Utah or acquainted with Mormonism, you may have heard of their Temples and their purpose. This shows the people from Nephi were active in those sacred cermonies during 1934.

Members of the LDS church volunteer to assist in religious ceremonies in their Temples. They don't consider the activity secret, but they are sacred. I have listed some of the work done in the Manti LDS Temple during 1934, only to show the people of Juab County that traveled to conduct this sacred activity. To protect the identity of the people whose Temple work is being done for, I have folded that information under, as LDS Church authorities may not approve of that. I submit it for historical purposes only. Indications are that Elizabeth Tolley Jones(DOB: 1865) took serious her responbility to do Genealogical work as instructed by Brigham Young, second President of the LDS Church. She  sent a letter to her niece in Canada to obtain names and information about relatives to do Temple work for and the return envelope has been copied as one of the pages which shows relatives. We included a photo of William Fisher Tolley(DOB:1823) and his daughter-Elizabeth Tolley Jones.

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