Sunday, January 31, 2016

Juab County Horse Sense.

My father taught we didn't have to watch TV to know when a storm was brewing-we just had to watch the horses. Not only was that a magical and mystical event, but their actions foretold of the impending storm. They would run around the corral kicking and bucking, preparing for the weather to turn south. I was always amazed during that process, as a horse would playfully kick at each other, but never connect, although it was within inches. They knew how close to come without hurting each other. I don't think a horse ever read a horse book, but they seem smart. During the sultry days of summer, they stand head to butt from each other. That is to swat the annoying and stinging flies off each other. During the no fly zones of winter, they face the wind in a line to help protect others from the chilling and deadly wind. No horse should stand alone, as they are very social animals. If you only have one make sure your neighbor has one across the fence so they can jaw about the important things of life. If the BLM needs to get input on how to manage the wild horses of the west desert, perhaps they could chat with the families of Joe and Ross Garrett. Those brothers could round up a mustang and bronc ride it just like the Wright  brothers do today and at no cost to the taxpayer. Just prior to taking the photo, a flat bed truck was observed taking supplemental feed to these horses. One guy drove; one sat in the middle to get the right radio station and the third was on the back pushing off the hay, then having to jump on and off to close the gate. All are cowboys and sometimes it takes living in the west to understand and appreciate true American made values.

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