Monday, January 11, 2016

This is our tribute to Bill and the Howard family of Nephi, Utah, USA.

We were saddened to read of the passing of Bill Howard, one of the finest men of Juab County. When you are raised in Nephi, Utah during the 1950's and sixties, most kids had a blend of excellent parents; supportive neighbors; perfect size high school and a community that truly cared for each other. Bill Howard was a gentle and kind cowboy, yet hardworking, stalwart and brave, being in combat as a turret gunner, one of the most awkward and deadly flying positions of World War Two. As a kid, I always looked up to him, mainly because he was the daughter of a classmate from Juab-"Class of 65". Later on, Bill was the go- to- guy for about any religious or community assignment there was. He thought it was an honor to speak at his neighbor and friend's funeral-Sherl Ferre, then did the same when he was the LDS Bishop of another friend and neighbor-Farrell Carter. Although his insurance bosses may have honored him as a "top salesman", most locals round town honored him as "thee most honest salesman". He wouldn't sell you vehicle insurance if the only thing you drove was a horse. Sometime ago, after the funeral of Jack Howard, I approached both Bill and his wife, who were standing nearby at the cemetery, but not with the crowd. I couldn't figure out why they were gazing downward, almost in a trance. I approached them to inquire if they were okay. I then looked down to see what they were looking at and saw the headstone of their daughter-Linda Howard, who had passed away just before our high school graduation. I couldn't help announce they were not the only ones that loved their daughter, but the entire school body. I then re-introduced myself and they were less startled. They knew as I then did-Linda's presence was nearby and one could feel the glorious reunion whenever we all take that mystical but real step from one life form to another. In high school, Linda was not just pretty, but pretty smart and a soft and gentle person, who was active in many high school activities and could turn you down for the Junior Prom, but remained your ardent friend. Like father-like daughter. Bill and Ruth-you have done well in all aspects of life. That will remain for eternity.

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