Saturday, April 23, 2016

So how does such an innocent looking baby become a member of a gang of desparado's!

The first photo is an original of Maurice Tolley, who is on the left. It is assumed the picture was taken around 1927. Although it is difficult to make out the writing on the back, the beautiful but faded handwriting shows "To Grandma Tolley For Your Birthday From Thirza". It then shows the two babies being "Maurice  and Morris". Grandma Tolley is Sarah Warren Tolley(born 1825) and whose documents and artifacts has been passed down. Morris is Morris Nowlin, a cousin. For a little color, I placed a photo of the father of Maurice(Rex) and the great grandfather of Maurice(William Fisher Tolley) who is seen as the father of all Tolley's, whose numbers are thousands throughout the world. Although Brother Brigham permitted him to have four wives, he only had two of which bore him a hay wagon full of kids. Wm. Tolley may have been like Johnny Carson, as three of his wives had the same name. Now back to the original concern. Maurice married a wonderful woman(JoAnn); had a good business running the Forsey's Five and Dime store in Nephi, but somewhere along the line he got intertwined with the gang of sod busters in the photo taken from The Times News of Ute Stampede time in 1975. Although they all looked like they haven't  taken a bath for a week, they are all great guys, and three of them are actually related or married in the Tolley family of yesteryear. Top row starting from the left is Joe Garrett's helpful sidekick-Bob Worwood, then Russ Jackson, Ike Lunt, then Maurice. Bottom row from left is Leo Osborne, Bob Garrett, then Ches Williams, who married a Tolley. So happy trails to all, and hopefully somebody in the Maurice family will take this photo from me.

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