Thursday, August 25, 2016

A history book published in 1899 tells the story of America a little bit different than todays school books.

Facts are facts and history is history, or is it! Sometimes, it just may depend on who is recording those facts or what they perceive is accurately happening. During a traumatic incident, various eye witnesses often give different versions of what they think they saw. As a continual student of history, I often don't offer much opinion on present day matters. I like to give it some time for all information to come in and then perhaps have a more keen observation to sustain an opinion as factual history. That sort of thought is not popular in today's media, as people want to know immediately, but often that sort of journalism can be skewed to incite readers and viewers. I bring that up, as I re-discovered a United States history book, and in reading through it, I find that when it was published in 1899, they wrote things as viewed then, with little political correctness or what we may read in todays school history books. That old history book reminds me of the Jack Webb saying of "Just the facts Ma'am". It was interesting to read of how the now famous Columbus was once a street beggar along with his son. E-Bay shows the book worth $75.00 but that will not be our course of action. Following this blog entry, we will ship the book to Vickie Harris Morris of California, in order to keep the Harris family book in the family, which was used by the Nephi, Utah family of Evan Harris(born in 1860) and Eliza Hitesman Harris(born in 1869). We will include photos of the book cover; a couple pages from inside, then a photo of Evan and Eliza Harris with their daughter-LaVon, then a photo of John Evan Harris and his wife-Sarah(Sadie)Maria Tolley Harris and their kids. Happy reading!

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