Friday, August 26, 2016

This is a photo of Nephi, Utah school students of 1921, showing Mr. Warner's 5th grade kids.

It is good to know this writer is in fashion with most of the school boys of 1921, as back then the rage was bib overalls, and that is my main girth covering now a days. Another great thing is that although we have the names of the students, we are not sure which direction the writer was going when the names were listed on the back. The only sure case is the gal standing next to the teacher with the braided hair. Without question, that is LaVon Harris, who later married a Jones. We also know that many of these kids were part of the Nephi High School graduating class of 1928. We also know that Maurice Starr was commonly called "Shine" Starr. Good Luck on the others and try to guess what the girl is looking at who is standing in front of the right column. Perhaps she has her eye on the handsomely dressed boy in front of the left column, or did they do that in the 5th grade! The school was on the west side of what was later called "Central" School on Track Street in the Nephi City of Utah of America.

1 comment:

  1. That little girl with braid, didn't seem to happy to have her picture taken....
