Friday, November 11, 2016

Today is the day. If you don't know a US Veteran, find one and buy them breakfast or just shake their hand....they have earned it.

Today is a day that all Americans can be Americans! It is our day to pay tribute to the Veterans, both living and dead, who helped give us the freedom we have. As a kid, I loved listening to Matt Howard tell the stories of he and Teddy Roosevelt in the Spanish American War. Later on I was saddened to hear Ches Williams explain how many of his World War Two buddies came home "Shell Shocked". Last photo is of Dell Jones, of World War I. We not only pay respect to Veterans, we also honor the non-Veteran Veterans! They are those mothers and fathers who cry not knowing if their soldier is returning home. We also pay respect to people such as Nephi's Norman Jarrett, whose work remains classified. It can be said that he worked as a civilian for the US Navy-underground, to help develop a nuclear warhead to be launched from a submarine. After 30 years of working with chemicals, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how clean living Norman was hit with an unknown but deadly cancer which took his life in a painful way. To our military family, friends and neighbors, my thumb is up for you, both living and passed. And if you see Mona's Ed Newton, tell him thanks.....his body took the blast so the rest of us could last!

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