Thursday, November 17, 2016

Well, it is that time of year tax time.

More than a hundred years ago, Hyrum (Uncle Hy) Tolley was accused of horse theft. He denied it as he merely picked up a rope in Nephi and walked to his home in Nortonville four miles away. Once home, he found a horse on the end of the rope. The charges were dropped. As a cousin of Uncle Hy, I am not sure how our family got a hold of the official record of those that paid their property taxes in Juab County, Utah in 1892, but we will show them, then give them to the Juab County Treasurer for better safe keeping. The biggest property owner appears to be mult-million dollar Mammoth Mining Co. and the smallest was a nickel from Peter Norton of Nortonville. Even the notorious brothers paid their sixty cents.

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