Thursday, December 22, 2016

We hear and read a lot about "fake news" lately...but actually it has been around for a long time.

Years ago I had a college professor teach of the importance of reading and research, and not blindly believe everything you see or read-that some of it pertains to personal interpretation. Such is the case with the recent political campaigns and a lot of the "fake news" and who is writing it. People like to read about shocking stuff even if it is not completely true, so we may have false news for ever. Although a Salt Lake newspaper reported that a young boy was killed in Nephi when swept away by the "Juab River", the real truth is there was a lad swept away and nearly drought, but he wasn't killed and there is no such river called the Juab River. Oh well, it probably sold papers and in those days, anybody could write what they thought happened, and receive money for their submitted declarations. If any of you are driving by Garrett Honda in Nephi, Utah, stop by and congratulate Kirk Sanders who is still working there even though the Tribune thinks he was killed 64 years ago. Hey, I wonder if they would pay his life insurance claim!

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