Saturday, December 30, 2017

Once a Marine, Always a Marine.

First comes the foundational history lesson, then the real story! The United States Marine Corps(USMC) began in 1775. Our country was battling to be an independent America, and organized two battalions of the best in the military. Their purpose was to conduct ship to ship fighting; provide shipboard security and assist in a landing force. They adopted a Latin phrase of "Semper Fidelis" but the Marines shortened it to Semper Fi. For those of you that missed the Latin class, it means "always faithful" or "always loyal". From the get go, a Marine followed any and all legal orders, and unafraid to march in to the heat of battle, as they knew they were doing what was right and loyal. During the end of World War II, many remember our flag being raised at Iwo Jima, but the Marine spirit remained in those guys long after they have completed their military duties. Such may be the case of JP Grimard of Nephi, Utah. He is a Marine that still carries enemy shrapnel in his back from a war years ago. Two weeks ago today, he showed up for work early to warm up the construction crane he was operating in the Sugarhouse area of Salt Lake. When the other crew showed up they had forgot the key to the tool shed, so JP walked out on the platform to give the keys to the worker. That was when he accidently fell the eight feet to the hard ground, breaking eight ribs; femur, shoulder and fractured skull. Some of the best brain surgeons were on hand to sustain his life with support. All the Trauma heads worked together to help this Marine, but they gave little hope he would ever survive and so informed the wife of JP Grimard-Jaynette Jones Grimard. Although the medical staff had little hope for any type of regular life, they apparently didn't know the strength of a Marine, nor did they know the internal and eternal strength of Jaynette. She sought help from family, faith, God and prayers-another source of power that medical staff were reluctant to talk about. Although JP remains in a Coma type state, he is beginning to move his leg and hand. Yesterday, it felt like he could hear us, but didn't have the ability to acknowledge it. As his brother in law, I had no other choice........but give the appearance of his commanding officer; stood at his bedside in ICU and ordered him to give me a thumbs up! That Marine followed the verbal command and we got the photo. On behalf of the Jones family of Nephi, we acknowledge and appreciate the prayers for JP Grimard. They work, now keep praying; Keep Calm, and Semper Fi.

1 comment:

  1. Just heard that our youngest daughter put his name in the Ogden temple too! ♥
