Friday, January 5, 2018

Happy Birthday Justin Jones. In earth time, he would have been 39 years old today.

While on earth, the time since the birth of Justin Jones has gone by fast, but the last four months since his passing has gone by slow, for his Mother, Brother, Father, and for his many two and four legged friends. Most folks would never believe he suffered from depression, as he was always happy and helping others. So in that light, we wanted to keep a happy family tradition going. As soon as I can put some photos here, I will go up to the cemetery and cut the "Justin Money Tree" loose. This time we won't attach a note to ask for the letter to be returned, but just let the money fall from above. Our calculations show the adhesives will loose its strength at ten thousand feet to permit the two dollar bills to float down over the Nephi area. So prepare ye, prepare ye, money really does grow on trees and it does rain money. Justin now has control.

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