Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas cards and letters remain a joy to receive.

I assume I got in from parents, and they got it from their parents, as I have been going through the many Christmas cards and letters they had received over the past hundred years. I observed the beautiful penmanship and the timely words that were sent. I could feel the heart felt joy that my grandfather felt when in 1894, he received a letter from his pregnant wife while serving an LDS mission in England. They both had a great sense of duty and love for the Church but also their binding devotion for each other. I then read some of the letters sent by three brothers while they were serving in the military during the Viet Nam war. One sitting in a fox hole in a far off jungle made my mother feel alone and depressed but that Jones boy gave her the strength to hold on, with insightful words of encouragement.

The other day I got a Christmas card by way of my son-Justin Wm. Jones, who I lost 18 months ago. Grief and depression came over me, until I read the words which were printed on the card by his photo. I felt like it came directly from him and no longer felt the same depression he was going through at the time. I felt him from heaven and that he still loved me as much as I love him, and although not in the physical sense, he is very much alive in a spiritual manner. Once I felt him by my shoulder, I stopped the tears and felt honored to have known him in my earth life for those 38 years.

Thanks for the card Justin. As you are fully aware, our love for each other is a forever thing. 


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