Sunday, December 30, 2018

Once an Educator, always an Educator!

Teaching must be a passion as much as a job! I have personally known School Superintendent's who retire....then go on teaching! Perhaps it is a DNA thing. My first research project was on Birdie Jones, who without formal education, was a teacher in the Nortonville, Juab school in the 1880's. Years later, she cooked for kids in the old Central School of Nephi. My mother spoke fondly of Supt. Ray Stewart and her 1917 teachers at Nephi High. Juab Supt. Clyde Child and I became friends as did me and Supt. Ralph Menlove, both of whom continued to teach until their last breath in this life. Although they seldom spoke of it, teachers Vaughn Paxman; Dwain Bracken; Dr. John Ord; Sherl Ferre; Dr. Clyde Child were veterans and Edna Cazier was on special assignment by the Army during World War Two. Former school boss-George A. Sperry taught me how to get my merit badge in scouts. Principal, then Supt. Clark Newell was a Veteran and it showed when he chased me down while I tried to ditch school. Professor Lambert was a brilliant chemist and called to assist the United States during World War II. One of my best teachers wasn't even a teacher! Leonard Linton was the custodian at the Central School, and taught me respect-1894 style! Fellow Nephite-Dr. Alma Pexton Burton was a respected LDS author, but we spoke "Nephi Talk" when he was my professor. Dr. Bradford continued to teach me long after he retired. After some research, I found that former Supt. Kirk Wright-although a Millard High graduate, remains a devoted follower of Juab High in Drill Competitions, Debates, FFA, Concerts and seen in Cedar City last night watching a Juab High basketball game. In his 70's, he still teaches two adult to coach properly! Teachers and parents, after observing and talking with present Juab High Super Duper Head Dude-Supt. Rick "Committed To Excellence" and your kids remain in good hands when they go back to school next week. Winter Recess is over!

1 comment:

  1. At the end of another year, want to tell you again how much your Blog, with it's historical items, comments, etc. is enjoyed. Please don't stop. May the coming year bring you only the happy best!!!
    The Tolley Twig
