Saturday, February 9, 2019

"Alias Smith & Jones" vs. the real "Smith and Jones"!

"Alias Smith & Jones" was a western TV series in the early 1970's. They played the role of gunslingers to right the errors of their previous misbehavior. Little did Hollywood know that a few decades ago, Nephi, Utah had the real life version of the Smith and Jones families. Jim, Joe and Paul Smith were considered the best shots west of Dodge City and included Alma Jones in their friendly shoot-outs! The Smith's could shoot and hit a silver dollar in the air, but they wouldn't....only because they were smart enough not to waste that hard earned dollar. One was the best electrician in town and other family members had the best bakery east of the Pecos. I had forgot about the forever friendship of the three Smith boys with the Jones' until we recently discovered a card from Nona Smith to LaVon Jones just before she passed. Nona was a also best friend of LaVon, as was Margaret- a sister to the Smith boys. I have re-read the words of Nona Smith again and again, and have absolute belief the real Smith and Jones families remain the forever friends they were on earth, and the Smith kin carry on with the skilled workmanship of their parents. Thanks Jim and Nona-I had forgot that we are not alone---"God's love is always there".


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