Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Vic Jones & Alberta Blackett sealed the deal 99 years ago!

When we ran across this invitation for the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Vic & Alberta Jones, we thought we better put it down in writing, as many of the participants have already passed through the veil as well. To give a brief background-this Jones couple lived on the corner of 6th North and Main in Nephi, Utah. They moved there in 1933 and raised eight kids. Vic was raised in Nortonville, being born of Wm & Elizabeth Jones. He completed the mandatory 6 years of school, then went to BY High in Provo. His next adventure was during World War One, working as a Mounted MP in France, where he served for three years before being severely wounded and came home. With a gimp in his gallop, he still wanted to go to the dance in the old North Ward Amusement Hall. There he met Alberta Blackett, whose father-Andrew Blackett escorted her to the dance, but Vic escorted her home and the mother-Sarah Jane Worthington approved. They were married on March 24, 1920 and their first summer was at the Jones ranch in Nortonville, but both decided Vic needed more education, so he attended the U. of U. for two years. At the same time, he worked for New York Life, then Interocean Elevator Co. and Utah Fire & Clay. Sadness came when they lost their son-George Eldon at 8 months old, from pneumonia. It was 1933, and our country was suffering from financial depression, so Vic came back to Nephi and started to work for the U.S. Postal until he retired in 1963. Vic and Alberta were faithful members of the LDS church and both served in various positions. Alberta made sure their home displayed her handiwork including quilts, afghans and crochet doilies, and always good food. Their children are Melba, LeNora, Mildred, Barbara, Darlene, Richard, Sherman and Gordon. May this great pair of people and their kin never be forgotten or their service to others.

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