Sunday, December 22, 2019

Corrine Garrett wanted to be Home for Christmas. She has been granted her Wish.

Corrine Garrett spent 88 earthly years with us. Although she endured worldly type challenges, funeral speaker Jeff Sanders said "it did not define her as she chose to be happy". Present day youngins and new medical students have no idea what Polio was when many people, including President Roosevelt were hit with the crippling disease. Corrine accepted it and never complained about the gimp in her gallop. A special bike was built so one shorten leg could reach the peddles, and she was not going to be any different than brothers Joe and Ross. She snuck off to ride a horse, just like any kid would do in Nephi. She was BAD(Bound And Determined). Late in life, she was introduced to Dementia, but in the last three years, there was times when she continued to have that twinkle in her eye, and her mother's DNA would come out when she stared you straight in the eye; put her forefinger up towards you. Dementia or not, you knew she was giving you a nonverbal warning to watch your "P's and Q"s"! During her funeral, I felt the presence of heavenly hosts which filled the church. I cried, then felt gratitude for those who had the once in a lifetime opportunity to know Corrine Garrett, one who will be crowned with spiritual glory back Home. During her weekend earth experience, she was the proud caretaker of her mother, who eventually became bedridden, and the Garrett home was a gathering place for all on Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Ute Stampede. Friends who know the Garrett family are in fact Family. Caregivers are special people who love without reason. As a kid, Corrine attended dances, and if none of the local kids could figure out how to dance with her, two of her Uncles showed up as proud partners, lifting her up for the Juab County two step and pretend her father was the caller at the square dances at the North Ward. Rob & Erma guarded her like a pit-bull but Corrine had the feistiness of her mother and chose to go to work as that is the Garrett standard. At the funeral, not only family attended, but former Nephi City officials, who were there out of respect for Corrine, a former Nephi City Recorder. After the funeral, I ensured the proper covering of her earthly remains. They are in good company, next to two sisters; parents, great grandparents and an apple toss away from her favorite Uncles and grandparents, who were the ones that ensured a Silver Maple was planted there in 1891. Those people were special to Corrine, as she was born in their home, which still stands at the corner of 7th North and Main. Congratulations Corrine, You Have Your Christmas Wish And Your Wings. Stand Up And Be Crowned.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, Kent! Corrine, like all her family, is a righteous person!
