Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Nephi City Christmas Light celebration is over and no frost bites at 15 degrees!

The first photo is The Times News ad showing the various events at last nights Christmas Light celebration at the Nephi City Park. The second photo is of the "Snow Maze To Nowhere". At the time it was made, we had no idea where it was leading or why. We later found out, as hundreds starting to line up for the Hayride, being pulled by two different wagons lead by beautiful and majestic monster horses. Welcome to Nephi, where horses still rein! Little kiddies jumped on board a smaller train wagon that pulled around the blocks. This was a first time event for Nephi as in years gone by, main street was shut down and parade entries were lighted up and went down to the City park. As there were no entries this year, a switch was made and it seemed to work with singing and dancing. Nevertheless I was somewhat disappointed as I acted the part, but went home with no ribbon for the worst Grinch this side of Nortonville. Oh well, there is always next year. Bah Humbug


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