Thursday, February 20, 2020

History of Juab High School since 1899-Part One.

When people write of history, it is often their version of what they know or think they knew. Today is such a case, as I write what I believe is as close to the facts as I have been able to gather; reading, studying, and digging beneath the soil where schools used to be, including the Heberville School(up Nephi Canyon); Nortonville School(just off ole Highway 91, four miles north of Nephi) and Central School. Part One of Juab High School is mostly taken from "the Living Legacy" which was borrowed from Bryce Gardner, but there is also one available at the DUP Museum in Nephi, Utah. Part One will mostly consist of photos, then later on after my nap, we will enter Part Two, which will show the graduating classes of the High School. In 1897, nine Nephi, Utah students had completed the equivalent of three years of high school, and were ready to graduate, but the school was not legally authorized, so local citizens banded their arms and convinced the local Board of Trustees to create a legal high school, which was so recognized after Nephi citizens voted in favor of it. It became Nephi High in 1898, the first rural high school in Utah, and only the third in the entire state. This school has excelled in all areas of brain and body skill and we praise those who put forth the effort to continue its excellence. The name of the school was later changed to Juab High so that Mona, Mills, Levan and Nortonville felt a part of the family as we all are.

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