Friday, February 7, 2020

Its Tax time in 1957-Is there still time to file for a rebate?

It is 1957 in Nephi, Utah. Alma and LaVon Jones are both working hard to feed five kids. Together they earned a whopping $3,169.11 for the year, with LaVon listed as a Housewife, a term you will never see anymore. Alma did part time work for Provo School District, which was fun for his kids, as they would go up and jump on the Bulldog trampoline. I was never good at math, but it appears the family should quality for a rebate. On the other hand, my folks didn't list the income of the two bits that we received to help our Dad clean floors. We neglected to do list that. And is this the proper time to ask about my grandfather, who was only paid $10 a month from the Juab County "Old Folks" pension as the FDR Social Security plan hadn't been put in to place. And it appears they may not have given the LDS church a full tithing when they needed a loaf of bread to break up for hot water and bread. Should that be reported to Bishop Bailey, or does God have a better accounting system. Oh, the things that keep us awake at night, or is just too much late afternoon coffee drinking!

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