Tuesday, June 1, 2021


If you are a resident of Nephi, Utah, today is the opening day you can go into the city offices and declare you candidacy for either of the two City Council Member positions or even the Mayor. I have been a Council Member for the past four years, and have made a firm commitment not to run again for that or for Mayor. I tried the best I could to keep the vision of Nephi as a rural town, but I was often the  single vote, and held my head high when I voted No And Hell No, when our oasis farming community was being pushed by high money and greed for thousands more people, at least that is what I have been told my many. That is the bad part. The Good part is that Nephi is still the best city in the world. It is my hometown and always will be and my four years was to give back to such a great community. I encourage all who love this city to give back and support more volunteers and less government. Now to the funny part. Many years ago, the men in the photo are Governor Norm Bangerter on the left and Kent Jones on the right. Those of us working in the Criminal Justice System had spent considerable time to get a Bill pushed through the State Legislature which would reduce crime. It was and remains a battle getting necessary Bills through Utah nowadays. In the past, I was informed the majority of those members were educators who always voted for more money for teachers. I now hear the majority of State Politicians are Realtors and want to open the doors to the World; America; Utah and send them to the rural areas and use up the water normally used for food processing and agriculture needs. When we got the Bill passed in the photo, the only thing the Governor needed to do was to sign his name and it would then become law. You may see the grimace on both faces as we were about to shake hands. We honestly don't know who the culprit was, but it was one of the spectators who made a body noise right in the middle of the otherwise serious moment. Honestly folks, it wasn't me or the Governor, but I couldn't help put snicker. This is one of the lighter points in a politician's life, but needless to say, I am not a policitcan and never will be. Omitting the truth is as bad if not worse then a straight out fib and I found that in 42 years dealing with State Politicians, many have no idea what the whole truth and nothing but the truth really is, and if their vote helps themselves, they will sell their own souls for it......or so I  heard! To those who encouraged me to run as Mayor, I sincerely appreciate your confidence, but not much in to kissing babies and fake smiles. I loved being a public servant, but not a servant to advance myself to something I am not.

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