Sunday, June 20, 2021


Today is Fathers Day, which may mean different things to different people. My father was Alma Jones, who was my best friend, always giving advice in an indirect way. When he passed away at 81, I turned to his older brother-Vic Jones as my substitute father. We would often go to the cemetery and would talk of  the " good ole days" where he grew up in Nortonville. I would take notes of his life. I first became a father in 1979, and quickly became aware that clean diapers didn't grow on trees, and neither did the food. I spoke to my son Justin as if he was an adult, and he responded in such a positive way. My heart was broken in various parts when he took his own life at age 38, after suffering through various forms of depression, and only realizing then that all of our monies were spent sending him through various and costly programs, which may have made matters worse. My heart was rejuvenated when I recently came across a photo where I may have promoted this photo to be taken standing in an illegal manner with his sunflower seeds. That was my Justin. And this kind hearted kid would often leave notes of love for his Dad, with the back page with his artistic art. The same was of my second son-Troy, who still suffers from depression of losing his brother. It is often a daily battle for all of us, and yet finding the various notes of love between father and son, it is a day to take on the happy days, knowing we did the best we could with the knowledge we had. On this special day, i give thanks to the good fathers throughout my family, arriving in Nephi during 1852.

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